Chapter 2

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The tall guy rubbed the back of his head and kinda winced.

"Oh sorry I'm Goku this is Trunks," he said as he pointed to the lavender haired boy, who seemed my age. "And this is Goten, my son,"he finished.

"You're gonna kidnap me, aren't you?" I asked, going from my vision.

"There goes the plan," Goten said.

"Well that's comforting," Trunks said as he rolled his eyes. I'm embarrassed to think this but, I kinda like this Trunks character.

"Well maybe," Goku started, but my taking off interrupted him.

"I'll get her," Trunks sighed.

What did he mean by 'I'll get her' my thoughts were interrupted by him moving so fast he appeared right in front of me, causing me to slam into his chest And fall back onto my butt with an 'oof'. I started to crawl away which did me no good at all. Trunks picked me up and slung me over his shoulder, butt in the air.

"Let me go!" I yelled while beating his back.

"Ouch! Hey stop it!" He whined.

"NO!" I grouched.

"She's definitely a saiyan with how hard she's beating my back!" Trunks muttered.

"Oh, stop being a baby," Goten teased.

"Fine then, let's see how you like it! Hey can you beat his back instead of mine?"

"Whatever," I sighed as I kneed Trunks in the stomach, jumped off his shoulder when he let go, jumped on Goten's shoulder, and started beating his back.

"Ouch! Damn! You were right Trunks, she's definitely a saiyan! Hey beat Goku's back and not mine!"

"Whatever," I repeated and, kneed him in the stomach, jumped off his shoulder when he let go, jumped on Goku's back,( which was more of a jump)and started beating his back. He threw me off before I could do damage. Bella had calmed down when she saw me beating them, she just sat there, watching.

"We're gonna take you to a friend of ours and see if you're a threat,"

"Why the hell would I be a threat?" I demanded. "The only stress I have is having no dad!" With that, Goku had tears starting to well up. My face went soft. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'll explain myself later he said.

I didn't know I was a saiyanWhere stories live. Discover now