Chapter 7

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(Trunks's POV)

Someone had knocked on the door and grandmother answered.

"Well hello there!" She said. "Who do you have there?"

"Hi,"both Sunstella and Goku said at the same time.

"I'm Sunstella," she said.

"Hi," I said. "Mom! We have visitors!"

"Be right there!" She replied. She went outside and screamed

"Vegeta!!!!!! Get in here!" I think the reason he bolted in here was because he thought it was dinner. They both came in the living room at the same time. Father looked a little annoyed.

"Uhh hi," Sunstella said, seemingly dumbfound.

"Who are you?" Vegeta growled.

"I'm Sunstella, but you could call me Sunny, or Stella, or Stell, or Sun," she said in an 'I'm scared out of my mind, but I'm trying to hide it' tone.

"Yes, but how are you related,"

"Oh! I'm his daughter." She said plainly.

"Goku, since when do you have a daughter?" Mom asked.

(A/N also pretend trunks in older than what he is supposed to)

"Well she's my oldest," he answered and ruffled Stella's hair. She swatted his hand away and fixed her hair. I must say, she is charming. (0h snap!lol) I blushed.

"Well then Mr. Rosey Cheeks," Mom teased. I rolled my eyes and looked down.

"Don't worry, I know how you feel. My mom used to embarrass me in front of company all the time," Stella related. She started to tear up and hugged her knees.

"What's up with her?" Dad asked.

Nice going dad.

"Her mom just passed on today," Goku whisper-yelled.

"Awe, it's ok," mom comforted, walking over rubbing her back."Gosh you're a skinny lil thing aren't you? I'll fix something for ya,"

"It's ok I'm not hungry," Stella sniffled.

"How are you not hungry! You're a saiyan!" Mom asked. Stella just shrugged. She was really light when I flew her to Goku's house.

"At least the last day of school is Tuesday," I said, trying to change the subject. "There's a party on Friday to celebrate,"

I didn't know I was a saiyanWhere stories live. Discover now