Chapter 20

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"You seem like this is a bad thing, what's going on?" Dad asked.

"Well first, it's like the strongest guy you've ever fought, duh it's a bad thing, and two, I had another vision. It's not what I wanted to see." I said.

"What is it?" He said, more cautious this time.

"Cell is about to explode when you transmit both of you somewhere else and, Cell comes back, but you don't, and I'm worried. I can't loose another parent." I said looking down. I hated to think about that kind of stuff. I truly did miss Mom. I snapped out of the daze- like state I was in.

"I'll try to avoid doing something like that, but if things get too desperate, then," He responded. He didn't seem like that was a new thing. "We should start training for that now. In four years he will be here," I nodded. Should I tell him about me holding back my power when we first met? It's probably too late now. I flew back to the house. Tired and full of anxiety. It was only 5:00 and all the boys, except Dad and Captain Grouch Ass, were hanging out in the living room. I grabbed a drink out of the fridge and headed to my room. On my way, I decided to play a little game of mine. I started walking on the ceiling, making my hair stay down like it was normal.

"Hey guys, did you know it was upside-down day?" I asked.

"No why-oh my god," Goten said with much sarcasm. I giggled and continued to my room, still upside down. After a while I stopped because my hand started bleeding. I wish I could find a way to stop that. I will one day. There was a spider in my room so I picked it up, being careful to stay away from it's fangs, carried it into the living room, snuck up behind Goten, and dropped it in his shirt. The other two saw me doing this and started laughing. Goten screamed and started to reach his back, but couldn't.  I started cracking up and started to cry about the absolutely hilarious sight that was before me. He eventually got rid of the spider and said he would get me back. I went back to my room and thought about the battle. Gosh I've only been in this family for a few months and I'm already gonna have the experience of a lifetime. I love it.

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