Chapter 6

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When we got there we just dropped her off, I knew she was dead and there was no way she was coming back.

"So... What do you want to do now?" Goku asked.

"I guess go home,"I started. "Oh wait, let's go get my stuff from my old house,"

"Okay," he returned.

"Wanna have a race to see if flying is faster that running?" I asked.

"Sure!" He replied.

"I have to warn you that I'm a fast runner,"I teased.

"That wasn't the case when we first met,"

"I didn't know that you would be so fast,"I couldn't help but to cover for myself. "Readysetgo!"I said as I sped off.

"Hey, no fair!" I heard him say. I was home in a matter of seconds but was surprised to see him not there. I fell to the ground and acted like I was asleep. When he did get here, I yawned and said:

"What took you so long?"

"That's what I call fast!" He said.

"Be right back!" I said.

(Goku's P.O.V.)

She ran inside, but seemed to had trouble with the door. I could tell she was thinking, probably how to get in. Then, she went to the window and pushed against it until it shattered. She retracted her hand and pulled a glass shard out of it. She got on the ground and hugged her knees. Then she floated through the large window and laughed. It was about five minutes until she got back.

"Okay let's go home!" She exclaimed. She was running with a suitcase. Seems difficult enough, but through a forest. Totally a push over.

When we got home, I resumed our conversation.

"So, do you wanna meet Trunks's family now?" I asked.

"Sure,"she replied."Can you tell me where it is?" She asked.

"Uh, start running that way," I instructed and pointed west. She bolted off, and was already there. I could sense it.

I'll have to go to Baba's and see what's in her future. I thought. I sped over there as fast as I could and met her at the front doors.

I didn't know I was a saiyanWhere stories live. Discover now