Chapter 29

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Then, out if nowhere, a yellow blast shot out of the cloud and shot straight through Trunks' torso. I phased next to him and tried to heal him.

"Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!" I screamed as I hugged him against me.

"Ha! I'm back and my aim is as good as ever," Cell smirked. I was still trying to heal Trunks. I looked at Cell and did the force trick. I closed off his airflow to the brain, like I did Blip. When he was not a little cute fella.

"I am sick of your shit!" I screamed. I started stalking towards him. I lifted up a couple of huge mountains and sent both of them smashing down on him.

"No one is going to die anymore!" I continued. I pulled him from rubble and started punching. I threw him in the air and kicked him into another mountain. He shot up, enraged. He flew at me and started to kick and scratch and punch. I blocked every move. I couldn't take it anymore. I finally let it all out. I hadn't noticed my hair was gold and my eyes were blue. Cell flew into the air and rapidly shot ki blasts at me. I also took to the sky and the battle of blocks, punches, and kicks continued. I still had his airflow closed off and I could tell he was getting weak. I messed up the split second I looked at my palms. He kicked me into the ground.

"Let me have a go at him!" Vegeta called. I got up, wiped blood from my lip, and walked back. As we passed each other, I said a little request.

"Kill him," I growled. He nodded. I ran back to Trunks and tried the healing process again. I felt him shifting around and his eyes cracked open.

"Oh I'm so glad you're back!" I cried as I squeezed him.

"Trunks!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Y-You're Super Saiyan," he said, surprised.

"How did you survive that!?" Cell yelled.

"I have the best girlfriend ever," he replied.

"Ah, so you are the problem," he said looking at me. He pointed a finger at me and I got out my hand ready to heal something. As soon as I did, the same yellow blast shot down at me. Before, it hit me, I set the streak free, then everything went black.

○•°{Ťřúńķś' POV}°•○

I watched in horror as I saw that damn beam shoot through Stella's chest. The blue streak in her hand fluttered about, before slightly fading and flying to the place where she was hit. The streak circled around her, never stopping.

"Well looks like she needs to be a little more bloody. What do you think?" Cell chuckled.

"You monster!" I whispered. He walked up towards her and reared back his leg. He went to kick her, but the little blue streak had zoomed to that place and blocked it for her. I need to know what she is actually capable of.

I didn't know I was a saiyanWhere stories live. Discover now