Chapter 25

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"So whose up first?" Cell asked. The skinnier of the pair of Mr Satan's helpers came up to the ring.

"I will," he said boldly.

"Oh! My hero!" I said in the girliest voice ever and pretended to faint. Everyone laughed except the two you would expect not to laugh.
You're not going to kill him are you? I sent to Cell.
Of course not! He said. I was still uneasy about it all. I wish I would have caught the names of Mr. Satan's "helpers." Cell was just standing there and all of a sudden, Blondie swung at him. He blocked it with ease. Cell, in return, started to punch him in the face. Before any of that happened, I made Blondie block it.

"Stella don't," Trunks said

"I'm not doing anything." I replied.

"Come on, we all know that was you,"

"OK then," I faced them and put my hands in the air. I could sense Blondie flying past me. I gave Trunks a look.

"OH MY FACE! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!" Blondie screamed. The girl that was with them ran to him and "aided" him. The lady gave Cell a look and shot a few nasty words. Next up was Mr Bowling Ball. He couldn't even get near him. It was just the energy that blew him away. Mr. Satan was up next.

"MR. SATAN! BE CAREFUL YOU MIGHT DIE!!!!!!!" Dad yelled. The camera man turned the camera toward him and the reporter said a few words.

"HEY I BET YOU 20 BUCKS HE IS GOING TO GO FLYING OUT THE RING!" I yelled. At that point the team of doofs came marching over here, including Mr Satan.

"What was that you said? Punk." Mr Satan growled.

"I said 'I. Bet. You. 20 bucks. He's gonna go flying. Out of the ring.' Got that?" I said. He walked up to me and stood over me.

"After I get done with Cell you're going down," he growled, more "menacing." I floated to be taller that him.

"Well don't come crying to me when you're all beat and battered to do this," I said, with a light blue streak coming out of my hand and wrapping around Blondie's face. When it faded, his face was healed. "You're welcome. And get da hell out o my face," I yelled the last part. They walked off and I sighed.

"So that's how the healing thing works?" Gohan asked.

"Yep," I sighed. Mr Satan walked up to the ring and got ready to fight. That of course included a lot of making a fool of himself. When he finally got ready, he attacked Cell with apparently everything he had. At this point I was to the far right of the group. Cell had had enough and he flung him into a mountain. I was closest to the mountain and was paying no attention to Mr Satan anymore, but Vegeta. He had a look in his eye. Whelp, I haven't done this in a while, but time for mind reading.
I can take Cell any time! This is ridiculous! Just because Kakarot always saves the world doesn't mean that he is the strongest. I was interrupted by a whining Mr Satan.

"What do you want," I sighed.

"Can you do that magical healing thing to me?" He asked.

"Yes, but it's not magic," I sighed. The blue streak came out of my hand and wrapped around him then faded.

"Thanks a lot, I think I'll just let what you said go" he said. I gave him a look and he walked off.

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