Chapter 19

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"Goten gimme my blow dryer," I demanded.
"Why do you need it so much?" He asked
"'Cause I'll do this," I said slapping him with wet hair. I swiped it from him while he was recovering and stuck out my tongue. I went to the bathroom and dried my hair. I bumped into Goten while walking out.
"Sorry," I said.
"It's fine. Why do you always dry your hair with a blow dryer?" He asked.
"My hair stick out everywhere," I replied. He nodded. I really shouldn't have told him that. Oh well. My luck. My phone went off.
"Hey Stel" it was Bulla.
"Do you want to go shopping?"
"See ya at noon"
At noon, I drove to Capsule Corp to pick up Bulla. She was sitting on the steps to the house and texting someone.
"Hey. Need a ride?" I asked.
"Oh hey, yeah," she said.
"So West Mall?" I asked.
"Yeah that sounds cool, hey you don't happen to have Chapstick on you, do you?" She asked.
"Yeah, here you go," I said giving her the tube thingy. We drove for a while and finally made it to the mall. I was surprised to see what I saw when I got out of the car. It was a fight going on with to punk rock chicks. Many dirty words were thrown across the battlefield. Me and Bulla were just watching for a while until one saw us staring at them.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" one asked.
"Nothing," I said.
"Oh it was something," she insisted. They walked over here and looked like they were gonna throw some punches.
"Well damn," Bulla said. She looked like she was gonna run.
"Don't," I said. The other girl swung at Bulla, but she blocked it. Wow. Then the first girl got me in the face due to carelessness from me. She swung again and I blocked her. That went on for a while until I swept both of them, causing them to get up and storm off..
"Well then," I said.
"Wasn't that hard," Bulla said.
"Hmm-mm," I hummed. "We might as well get on with shopping then," after we got done, I
drove Bulla home and went home myself. It was about 5:00 when I did get home. I was working on a school project when I had another vision.
Cell is getting ready to explode. Dad instant transmissions to him and teleports away. We can feel dad's life force disappear. But cell comes back.
I ran to dad at kami's place.
"Dad!" I yelled.
"What?" He said.
"I need to talk to you about the battle with Cell,"

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