chapter 31

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We looked for what seemed to be hours. I was about to loose my mind when I heard the most crazy thing.
Trunks, you need to calm down. I've gone into a ghost like state so I can actually know what's going on. I was absolutely dumbfounded.
Well could you at least tell me where you are.

You can't see me because I'm in that state.

Well it would help if you would go back to normal.


Because Blip is trying to help you.

Well ok then. I then looked to my left to see Stel back where she was.

"C'mon Blip," I said. Blip followed me to her. He poked the spot on her chest, and then he put the blood from her on an open cut on his hand.

"Whoa!" Blip yelled. "She can do a lot more than you think. HEAL!!!!!" He waved his arms around a little bit and then the streak came. It circled around her for a while. Then her eyes opened and she sat ramrod straight.

"Oh my god thank you so much!" She whispered. She hugged both of us. "OK I'm going to pretend to still be dead so that he won't try to kill anyone else. Except maybe Gohan or Vegeta. But anyway you need to pretend that the healy thing didn't work got it?" She said all to fast for me to understand immediately. She fell back on the ground and almost stopped breathing altogether.

"Well, it's OK Blip, we can take her to Dende and see if he can do anything." I sighed.

"But, but, but I've only known her for 45 minutes!" He cried. I patted him on the back.

"It'll be okay," I said.

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