Chapter 13

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After the party was over, we hung out for a while. Me and Bra were talking and the boys were doing random shit. I had already explained the force to everybody else. I really wondered how it worked. We went home early since school was in 4 days. 3 of the 4 days passed by really fast, the 4th day however, was a different story.

"So, what's school like here?" I asked Trunks. We were sitting outside, leaning against a tree.

"It's like any other school, really," he replied. "Any team you join though, you have to stick with it, even if your grades get low,"

"Weird," I said, "Generally, you have to have good grades in order to even make the team," Then the rest of the day went by fast. The next day, of course, was the first day of school. It was mine and Trunks's last year of highschool, Gohan's third, and Goten and Bra's second. I had I van, so I drove everyone, I had a van because I used to drive me and my friends around. When we got there, I thought this school was friken amazing.

"Might I just say wow," I said. We all laughed. We went in and we were supposed to go to the gym, so we did. The principal was just giving a speech about how great he thought the year would be and stuff. Then we got our lockers and combinations. Then, we went to class. After class was over, we all scurried to our lockers. Guess what just had to happen to me.

"Hey babe," a random dude said, "how's it goin'?"

"Good," I said, scooting away, trying to be polite.

"Wanna go out Friday?" He asked, blocking me from going anywhere.

"I'm sorry, but I'm taken," I said. 'Trunks I need you!' I telepathically said.

'On my way' was his reply.

"Awe come on, just for one night?" He said.

"Ugh! Did you just smack my ass!?" I interrogated, fury burning in my voice.

"What's going on here?" Trunks asked.

"This guy's trying to hit on me," I said.

"Hey, what are you tryin' to do? Steal my girl from me?" Trunks accused. Just then, Bra and Goten walked by.

Great, more arguments I thought.

"Hey what's going on over here?" Bra asked.

"This gu-" I started.

"This guy is hitting on Stell," Trunks finished.

"Hey nobody hits on my sister, except Trunks," Goten exclaimed. I'd had enough.

"EVERYBODY JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!" I yelled. "Ok, look dude, if a girl says she taken, than for god's sake she's taken. Trunks, thank you for helping, I really needed you," I said kissing him on the cheek and patting his back. "Goten and Bra, thanks for unexpectedly coming, now everybody go to class," god this will be a wonderful year.

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