Chapter 5

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"Do you want to meet Trunk's family?" Goku asked.

"Sure," I replied. I started to hover over to the door because you know I kinda just learned how to fly.

"Do you want to fly over, I'm assuming?" He asked.

"Sure," was the answer. "You still haven't told me what the deal is with you,"

"Oh yeah..." Blah blah blah.


"So basically I'm an alien from outer space called a saiyan and because of the tail when I look at the full moon I turn into a monkey monster called an Oozaro. And I'm staying here to help fight off a cell and you're my dad,"I summed up.

"Yeah pretty much except that his name is Cell, and that is not what only he evolved from,"he said.

(A/N yeah just pretend that the Cell saga happened waaaayyy later ;) )

Just then I had a vision:


Mom was in the car turning onto the freeway. A semi driver is throwing something into the back seat of his cab. Mom swurves out of the way but it's too late.

(End of vision)

"Mom!" I screamed. I dropped to the ground and ran to where mom was."No," I breathed. "No no no no no," I cried. There she was, in the grass, crushed by the dashboard of the car. I tore open the car to get to her. She was dead. I got her out and hugged her against me, not caring that blood was staining my clothes. Goku appeared next to me and gave me a hug.

"It's not fair," I whispered.

"I know, Stell, I know," he tried to comfort me. Just then the ambulance arrived.

"It's too late dip shits they're both dead," I said in a deathly tone. They just stood there like retards.

"Well.. We still need her to go to the hospital,"the medic said and got out a stretcher.

"I'll carry her, if you can't do your job how can I trust you?" I got in the back of the ambulance and Goku followed. I just cried.


A/N I know sad chapter. Please vote comment and follow. I didn't feel like putting in the commas so don't think I'm illiterate.



I didn't know I was a saiyanWhere stories live. Discover now