Chapter 15

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I woke up I don't know how much later, all I know is that when I came out, I was a family, friend, and boyfriend magnet.
"How did you heal yourself like that?" ChiChi asked.
"It's a healing process that was a gift from an old guy that looked really into martial arts and spiritual stuff," I replied. After that there were a million more questions and answers.
"Ok, so how's Dad doing?" I asked.
"He's still sick," Gohan said. I nodded.
"Be right back!" I said running up to Dad and ChiChi's room. I found Dad, much like how he was the first time I saw him sick, laying on the bed. I walked up to him and placed a hand on his heart. My hand's energy found the source of the illness. Then, I sent all my good energy to it to overpower the evil in the virus. Once it was dead, Dad shot up, eyes darting around the room. I removed my hand and smiled.
"Morning sleepyhead!" I exclaimed.
"How did you cure me?" he asked.
"I sent all my good energy to the source of the virus," I replied.
"Cool! Where'd you learn that?" He asked.
"An old guy who looked like he was really into spiritual stuff," I explained.
"Mmkay," he said.
"Let's go downstairs and show the others how you're not dead," I said. We walked downstairs and I signaled Dad to wait there a minute.
"Guess who's a wizard? Me!" I said as I pulled Dad into sight, then it was a hugfest. We all celebrated and had dinner, I was so glad we weren't dead.

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