Chapter 36

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I woke up still at the place. I must not have been out long. I yawned. Suddenly, I felt that I had an acute sense of hearing and smell, oddly enough balance, too. I felt for my ears. They weren't there. At least, I didn't think so. I felt where they would be again and sat straight up. I picked up a piece of broken glass, I thought I could at least see a silhouette of my head. I felt that my strength and abilities had come back, so I didn't worry about getting cut. I held up the glass to my face in order to catch some light. I immediately dropped it. I felt my head, hands shaking. Then it was confirmed, I had wolf ears. It had to have been that spell. As it played through my mind I gasped. That had to have been what happened.


My tail.

Was my tail like a wolf tail, too. I, kinda wagged, my tail so that I could easily get it. It was indeed like a wolf's tail. I tried to stand up, but found that I couldn't. My right leg was torn to pieces. I healed it with my returned powers. I stood, with ease now, and looked around. Everyone was still where they were, they couldn't move. The same Bozo from earlier was trying to kill Bulla. I phased over there and kicked him straight in the jaw. He dropped her and I caught her. I set the battered Bulla on her feet and healed her.
"Do you guys have your powers back?" I called to the others.
"Yeah but we're out of energy," Vegeta grunted. I walked over there and healed them all.
"Thanks, Stel," Gohan laughed. "I felt bad not being able to do anything,"
"Hey, what happened to your ears and tail?" Bulma asked.
"A spell Maena cast. In all honesty I think she just wanted me to die and started casting random spells," I sighed.

"You," someone's voice shook.

I turned to see who it was. It was that jerk from a minute ago.
"What do you want," I growled, fully turning towards him.
"You killed her," he said, same tone.
"I don't give  flying duck. Why are you still here?" I hissed.
"I'm gonna kill you!" He yelled, flying, not literally, at me. I dodged him with ease, and slammed a foot into the side of his head. He flew into a wall and I sensed him life force drop.
"Hmm, I didn't mean to hit him that hard," I said, putting my arms behind my head.
"I think you went a bit overboard," Goten muttered.
"Thanks for the note Captain Obvious," I sighed.
"How did you hear me?" He said, shocked.
"Because you're standing right-" I started but stopped as I saw he was at least a mile away in the huge room. "Wait how can you hear me?" I asked. He phased over here.
"You sent it telepathically," he replied.
"Gee, I'm not myself today," I laughed.
We all walked over to the exit, still blocked from when we arrived, and tried to open it. Vegeta even went super saiyan. I was fed up with the door and went super myself. I let out a battle cry as I flew at the door with everything I had. It stood still for a few seconds then  toppled backwards.

What was on the other side scared me .


Hey guys I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry about not updating.  I feel bad because I know I haven't updated in forever. But here it is. Ending on a cliff hanger.
By the way if you couldn't tell, this is my own saga and I am making it up from the top of my head. Well,  seeya later.

Peace ;P

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