Chapter 18

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Today was Saturday, and I to be honest wanted to just lay in bed and sleep, but I had a date to go on. I got up, took a shower, flat-ironed my hair, and put on a blue dress. It was 10:30 I was supposed to be there by 11:00. I decided to get there a little earlier and started walking to the coffee shop. When I got there, it was 10:45 and I saw a grinning Trunks, sitting in the back of the shop. I walked over and sat on the chair across from him.
"There is no being early with you, is there?" I asked, grinning too.
"I told you I could have picked you up," he replied. Suddenly, the ground started shaking, and the whole city was going under. I ran out the doors and got to the point where the city was on top of me and I was trying to lift it up. A whole city was too much.
'I... am'
'Where ......are you?'
'On the other.. side.. giving support'
'We need ......our dads'
'On it' Before I knew it, everyone was trying to lift up the city. Slowly, very slowly, it was rising. It got stuck on a few rocks. I flew up and looked for the sorce. I heard Vegeta say.
"Eh Kakarot, looks like your little brat is too weak to handle a city,"
'Hey back off bro, I'm trying to get this hunk of junk unstuck' He seemed surprised I heard him. I flew to the problem and punched it to dust because if I moved it, it would become a problem some where else. I returned in my spot and the city was rising. Soon after the city was back to normal and. Was sitting next to Trunks and the others on a bench.
"Well, this has been a fun filled day," I sighed.
"No joke," Gohan said. As the others left, me and Trunks remained.
"So tell me how your hair turned blue again." Trunks said.
"You full well it was Goten," I returned with a 'really' look on my face. "Do you want to go on a walk?"
"Sure," he said. We walked through the park until sunset.
"I love the sunset, almost as much as I love you," he said. I laughed and nuzzled my head into his chest. We were sitting in a nice spot in the grass. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I heard giggling coming from a bush. I knew it was Goten, so I sent a tree branch down on his head. I was still in my dress, which was now tattered and ripped.
"I think the dress looks better this way," he said, seemingly reading my mind.
"Well then, I might not toss it," I said.
"Welllll, sorry to be a buzzkill, but Stell, you need to come home," Gohan said, coming out of no where.
"Can't tell me what to do, I'm 18," I sassed, sticking my tongue out. He sighed,
"Come on," as he started to drag me. I grabbed Trunks's arm and did the puppy eyes, mouthing 'help me'. They played tug of war with me as the rope. Finally I played a little trick on Goten and left an after image still being the rope and they both fell back, Goten fell into a tree, I caught Trunks. We all laughed.
"Well I guess it's time to say our goodbyes," I sighed. I leaned over and gave Trunks a kiss. "Bye," I smiled.

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