kuroo x reader

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this was requested andddd yes. i hope you enjoy this! was supposed to update yesterday, but i bought a sherlock holmes book and read it so uhm.. anyway, enjoy :]


    Out of all the most absurd things that has happened to me, this is by far the worst. Don't remember how I ended up in this situation, but I most certainly do not enjoy it.

    As I was looking for a place to move into, somewhere closer to work, I ended up moving into my ex's apartment.

    The friend who brought me to the place didn't tell me that my ex was my roommate, and they didn't know who my ex was.

    It's been a few days since then, but it still is uncomfortable. Leaving the place would only make things worse between us, so I never bothered trying.

    "Good morning," he greets as he places food on the table, "did you sleep well? If your bed isn't comfortable to sleep on, we could tell the ask if we could change it." I shake my head and take a seat.

    I watch him as he tried bringing coffee over, almost dropping the glass, in which I had caught before it hit the floor. I got spilled on.

    "I'm sorry.. I wasn't being careful." He rushes over to the kitchen to get me a towel, wiping my hand gently with a damp towel.

    "Don't be.. it's partly my fault that we're like this, Kuroo-san." His hand, then, stops momentarily as I said his last name. "I came to your apartment all of a sudden, out of nowhere. You must've been at peace before I came."

    "It's alright." He let go of me and tended to the floor. "You broke up with me.. because of me. It's my fault, (L/n)-san." He says, slightly turning to me with a painful smile as he washed the mugs to use.

    With the awkwardness in the air, we ate in silence. I finished my food faster, and insisted in washing them myself, even though he said he'd take care of everything.

    I got ready, and headed out for work. He was in the bathroom when I left. I don't know how I've lived in that apartment for a week without crying, but I've actually only been stopping myself.

    The moment I get to work, I always end up going to the bathroom first. I never do my makeup at home, and always do it at my workplace.

    Home... that place is literal hell for me. I suffocate, and I get anxious whenever he's around. He and I did date for years, he's almost irreplaceable.

    I enter a few things into Microsoft Word, stopping a few times as the events from this morning clouded my head. His hand is so soft..

    "(Y/n)-san, you've been staring at your computer screen since this morning. You're not getting any job done." I look at Minari, and she hits my head with a clipboard. "What is wrong with you?"


    "Why are you crying now?" I wipe my cheeks, and she gives me tissue. "Have you been facing problems at home? With your parents?"

    "No.. It's not that.." She carefully pulls me up, and brings me to the bathroom. It's not even break time, and I'm already doing nonsense things.

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