akaashi x reader

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ps. i'm at that time of the month and fuck,
i'm trying to write and the pain's just gotta flush the idea away :,)
anyway, enjoy sweethearts :):


    The simple gestures people do; just by complimenting you, praising you for your skills and talents, lending a hand to help; they always seem to just warm my heart.

    They don't need flashy entrances, introductions or gifts to make me smile. Letters, probably my most favorite gift. I don't need you to buy me expensive jewelries, bags, shoes or anything that's pricey.

    What I want.... Is just a simple gift. Like I've said, letters. Let's go back to probably the 70s? Telegrams, letters; that's all I want. Maybe even just a thank you or a hug or a kiss on the cheek, depending on who you are, then I'm satisfied.

    Ain't no need for expensive things when I'm just a simple girl. Don't waste your money on me, spend it on yourself, spoil yourself not me.

    Lately, I've been getting cute sticky letters in my locker or chocolates and a letter on my desk. Whoever may be giving me these, I'm happy and thankful for them.

"Good morning, did you sleep well last night?
Don't stay up late, it's bad for your health."

"Here's a treat, saw you enjoying these. Drink water after you eat them, they're really sweet, like you."

    I've been receiving such cute letters, I want to thank them, though I'm not sure who it is. No one ever looks like they're interested.

    "(Y/n), you got another one?" Yanna asks, taking a seat in front of me. Her eyes never left the chocolate bar I held in my hands, and the note that was still sticking on to my desk. "You're so damn lucky." She reaches for my cheeks and squishes my face, rubbing them aggressively. I'm only laughing at her, she's copying my face while she's doing it to me.

    "It said, 'You seemed stressed out this morning, I hope this cheers you up,' short but cute." I say, looking at the note before looking back up at her. She scrunched her nose, furrowing her brows and crossing her arms at me. I smiled innocently, I still don't know who this person is.

    "(Y/n), I saw this flying by the lockers.. It's probably for you." Gin says, handing me the little note. I smile at him, and he pats my head. "You've got a secret admirer." I chuckle, looking at him to see a cute smile on his face.

    "It's not like I don't know that." He playfully rolls his eyes at me, making me chuckle as I read the paper, quietly.

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