kita x reader

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I don't remember when it started, but it just suddenly did. Something like when you stare at the sky and a shooting stare would suddenly just pass by.

No matter how hard I try remembering, all I can remember is one day I just had the weirdest and most frightening experience in my whole life.

While I was studying for my exams, I threw up a petal. It was originally pink but it was stained red with my blood. I haven't told anyone about this, it was only supposed to happen in fairytales. But, it did, to me.

If the feeling itself is scary, then having this fantasy-like disease multiplies it by more than a hundred times. I tried rejecting the feeling, but it only gets worse when I do that.

The feeling came in first. It took a while before the day I threw up a petal. Not knowing when the feeling came makes it scary, I don't even understand how it came. It just happened.

I'm only sure of who can activate the feeling, and the chance of throwing up a petal. Kita Shinsuke, the captain ball of the volleyball team, and the guy called Mr. Perfect. A dangerous thing is that I'm on that club.

"(Y/n), can I see the notebook?" I turn to Suna and nod, taking the notebook out of my bag to give it to him.

"Oh, Suna." He hummed, eyes still on the notebook. "About your spikes, be careful with bending over too much. I know that you're flexible enough, but I uhm.."

"You worry too much, I'll be fine." I scrunch my nose in annoyance, earning a light hit on the head with the notebook. "You should worry about yourself instead. You're clearly hiding something."

I let out an awkward laugh and he only furrowed his brows at me. He placed the notebook on my desk, sitting on the edge of it. He never acts this way, but he does worry from time to time. I don't get why though.

"What's been going on about you lately? You leave earlier than everyone, and sometimes you even avoid us." Do I really have to answer his question? It's too much to ask for. "I won't force it out of you, but tell someone before it gets worse."

"What if it'll get worse when I tell someone?" He squinted his eyes, giving me a questioning look. "What will I do then?"

He slowly reached his hand out, placing it on my forehead. "Are you dying?" I immediately back away and wave my hands in front my face. "Then what is it?"

"Wouldn't it be better for you to share your burdens? You'd need help." I jump and accidentally wrap my arms around Suna's neck, finding Osamu right behind me. "Oh, sorry."

Why are these boys in here anyway?? "It's an embarrassing thing to talk about so please just let me off."

"We will but uhm.. You have to let me off first." I turn to Suna, finding his face right in front of mine. I let go of him and sit on my chair, letting out an awkward laugh to ease the tension. "We'll see you later." I give them both a nod and they head out.

I do have a friend that I can talk to about this. She can understand if she's the one that I'll inform about this first. But, will she believe in me that I have that disease? This is something that doesn't usually happens.

Setting that aside, class continued and everything was fine. I just can't keep my mind off the thought of telling someone about it. I might instead be taken to a mental hospital for saying something ridiculous.

Classes ended and so did club activities. I headed straight home to avoid everyone like they said, it's the best way to keep everything a secret. It's going to be hard if a lot of people finds out about the truth.

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