ukai keishin x reader

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i apologize for the inactiveness of me with this book, i'm just trying to finish memoria as soon as possible HAHA but hey here's an update.

this is incredibly fucking late and i am sorry. i'm also busy with school (stresses me out a whole lot).

- 🍋 requested by: @/akaashi_thighs -

enjoy :)


    I don't know where to start, but uhm.. My fiancé and I don't really meet as much as we used to because of work. He coaches a high school volleyball, and I work as a news writer for the local channel here in Miyagi. I always stay at work most of the time and it's sorta annoying to be unable to spend time with my partner.

    Whenever we try to make time for each other, dates would usually be an hour or three long because we have things to do, responsibilities to tend to. Though we are engaged, we don't live under the same roof. My parents didn't want me to live with him because we're not married, it's not always nice to be an only child, things like this is.. what you'll experience everyday.

    I really wish we could spend more time but work takes most of our free time. I'd have to research and write the next news, there's news every other hour and we gotta write that down. Though I am not the only writer for the local news, I still am needed. Writing news isn't as easy as people think so, us writers have to be there to fill in the empty spaces.

    But, as a very special gift given to me by our head writer, I am given the time off. A month off. I was surprised and anxious at first, thinking that they probably didn't want me there but actually they noticed. I do most of the 'filling-in-the-empty-spaces' so I stay more than anyone in our team. I thank the heavens that I finally get to be with him.

     I lightly knock on the metal door, having the athletes suddenly turn to me, so did he. The players already know who I am since I interview them about Inter High Qualifiers and other things about volleyball.

    Keishin's cheeks are slightly red but he's still keeping his cool. The players gathered in front of me and greeted me a good afternoon. I simply smiled and returned the bow, even if I'm older, politeness and respectfulness must always be present.

    The boys went on and did self practice, having my fiancé finally approach me. "Did you eat?" Is the first thing that he asked, arm going around my shoulder as he gave me a kiss on the top of my head. I nod and smile sweetly, leaning my head on his shoulder. "What brings you here at this hour? You're usually busy."

    "I have a month off of work." I felt him chuckle. "I can finally spend time with you."

    "We'll be over soon, I'll give them food from the shop before we could go. Is that alright with you?" I nod, seeing a few players look at us. I give them a smile and their cheeks turn red. "You should take a seat, you must be tired."

    I got a kiss on the cheek before he let me go for me to sit on the bench. It's true that I am in fact tired, wearing half an inch heels tire my feet out. I might have a wound again, they really hurt. I had a small talk with the two managers, finding the younger one cute. She's really shy, she's like the freckled boy.

    I've seen Keishin play before, he was a setter if I am not mistaken. I don't really remember much and I'm not really from this school, I was from Date Tech. I only saw him during a match back in the days, I was a cheerleader for our school's cheering squad. He and I aren't exactly together since high school, we became acquaintances in high school but we got together in college.

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