bokuto x reader (a.e)

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for the sake of an alternative ending, here's what could have happened if bokuto never liked you.


bokuto and i are now here, and i'm about to confess. "what are we doing here? what was that you wanted to tell me?" he was looking at me straight in the eye, i'm shaking in fear. i don't know if he'd have the same feelings for me or not, and that scares me a lot.

"i actually wanted to admit something to you." i fiddled with my fingers, looking down to the floor. i'm so shy. "bokuto-kun, i like you. a lot." i saw his eyes widened, clearly he was in shock. "it's ok for you not to recipro—"

"(y/n)-chan, in all honesty. i don't like you. someone else in this school has already caught my attention, it's yukina-chan. i'm sorry if i can't give back anything to you, but you have to live by knowing the truth, i'm sorry." he said and turned around to leave. he didn't show any concern, any worry or any emotion at all. he clearly was annoyed at me.

was everything we've been through just a joke? was all of it just for the purpose of bringing them closer to each other?

ruinoshita yukina is in my team, in volleyball. she's more likely the favorite of the crowd, the coach or our classmates, maybe even his. tears started to fall from my eyes and i just stood there, unable to process his words that stabbed me in my heart as if it was a dagger. marking it as today, i've earned another scar.

i sat on the bench and continued to cry, suddenly i felt someone sit beside me. i looked up to see kuroo tetsurou of nekoma. one of bokuto's friends from the team. "i didn't mean to eavesdrop but i heard it all. and i also watched you cry without you actually realizing you were already." my tears continued to fall, i buried my face in my hands.

kuroo then held my hands and i felt warmth. "hey, there's a lot more men in the world for you to like. if you want a fake boyfriend, just to get back at him, i'll be the one for you." he smiled at me while he held my chin up to see my face.

he helped me up and we went back to the gym. our team and bokuto's team are now currently training, kuroo was right beside me. "kuroo-kun, come here and do the spiking drills with us." kenma said, he looked at me. i knew he noticed my puffy face but he ignored it. "i'll be right there. (y/n)-chan, stay here. i'll take you home once we're finished." i smiled at him and nodded.

bokuto eyed us both but i ignored him. "(y/n)-chan, can you help bring the water bottles?" our manager asked and i nodded. i got the basket of water bottles and handed one to each player. as i handed the bottle to bokuto, i avoided eye contact with him, i was about to leave when he held me by wrist.

"what the hell is your problem? do you want more water? then here take all of these and have them for yourself." i shoved the basket to his chest and walked away. "(y/n)-chan is everything alright?" akaashi asked. "nothing, nothing's wrong. everything is completely fine." i said and went back to the bench.

"(y/n)-chan and bokuto-senpai are acting really weird, something must've happened between them." i hear the first years say. "let's leave them be, they're probably stressed out." a second year replied.

i sighed as i continued to watch them play. this time it's a match between fukurodani and karasuno. everyone in karasuno is so enthusiastic, i mean almost everyone. "(l/n)-san, daijobu?" kiyoko-san asked. tears welled up in my eyes as i remembered what happened between him and i. "i don't exactly know.. i think i'm fine." i said and tried my best to smile.

as i tried to focus on the match, i was dragged out of the gym by kuroo-san. he brought us to the rooftop and hugged me tight. "forget about him, i've known you longer than him. have you forgotten about the time we spent together? what made him so special?" i felt my shoulders get wet. is he crying? "it's only a month left before we graduate, be with me. please?" he looked at me, his eyes were full of eagerness. i nodded.

his lips fell on mine, i could feel myself smile. i don't exactly like him, yet. this is just the first step into forgetting him.

2 years later

normal day spent on the campus, walking hand in hand with the lamppost bedhead. "what do you want to eat?" he asked me. "nothing much, but babe we could eat dried squid." he nodded and went to the stall as i wait by the centrepointe.

i heard laughs of familiar voices, i turned my head to see who it was, when i found out i immediately stood. i was shaking. "(l/n)-san." yukina said, making them stop in their tracks as well. bokuto turned to me with his eyes wide open.

"babe here's your food." kuroo handed me the cup but i just stood there in shock, looking at the two. "oh well if it isn't the owl, that broke her heart." bokuto gritted his teeth at kuroo's statement. i saw him clenched his fists.

"who are you mad at? him for telling the truth? or yourself?" i said and took my things leaving them, kuroo following me.

tonight there will be a college party at our house, and now the placed is full of students from different majors. "babe i'll be right back." kuroo said and walked over to his friends.

minutes later i was up in my room, i was drunk. i saw a man, i believed it was kuroo. "babe *hic* do it with me *hic* haha *hic* just for tonight."

anonymous' pov

"babe *hic* do it with me *hic* haha *hic* just for tonight." she's wasted, totally wasted. "(y/n) you're drunk. you should rest." i laid her down on her bed when she pulled me by my collar and kissed me.

i know for a fact that she has a boyfriend, but i melted to the kiss and gave in. i undressed both of us, and the rest is history.

the next day | your pov

i woke up and felt like i was bare, i checked and yes i was bare. holy shit. i felt a pair of arms around me, it wasn't kuroo's. "bokuto what the hell?! what happened last night?" my head hurts, i must've been so wasted last night. "oh (y/n) morning. love that body." he said and eyed my chest.

i seriously felt like puking. "we had- we- we did it? you and me? and not kuroo?" i asked in complete panic. "you begged me for it, and you were the one who kissed me first. like this." he pinned me to the wall and landed his lips on mine. "i've been waiting for this moment with you (y/n), i've been waiting for 2 years. i also know that you never loved kuroo the same way he loved you." i slowly found myself wrapping my arm around his neck and placing my hand on his chest.

then the door opened, "what the fuck?" kuroo stood there in shock. i broke away from bokuto. i wore kuroo's jacket that i saw on the floor and ran to him. "babe trust me this is not what you think it is, please believe me." i cried and held his hand. he hugged me tight. "bokuto, don't ruin our relationship. did he?" i nodded slowly.

kuroo held me tighter, "try to play with us again and i will forget that you were a friend." he looked at me and took me to the shower, "shower up and, test to see if your.." he handed a box of pregnancy test, "you knew?" he nodded slowly.

"i saw it last night actually, i wanted to get mad at you but i couldn't. he could've pushed you away instead. well, i'll be downstairs making your soup, you have a very bad hangover." he chuckled and left.

i showered and took the test. god i really hope it's negative, i don't want to live with him. i saw the results and sighed. i got dressed and went downstairs. bokuto was still there. "so how was it?" i hugged kuroo tight and heaved a sigh, "it's... it's negative." i smiled at him. "thank god."

"it's because, you don't get results now, you could try next week. then let's see if it's negative or not." bokuto turned on his heel and left, the door slamming behind him. i was dumbfounded but we followed what he said.

a week later i took it again, it was positive. i cried, and cried. i had to bear a child from a father that's not my boyfriend. "choose, kill the baby and be with me or save it and be with bokuto?" kuroo asked, he was crying.

what would i choose? murder someone and stay with the one i love(?)? or save it and be with the one who hurt me?

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