tsukishima x reader

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btw, the only spoiler here are their jobs soo
part two || enjoy :)


    I want to fit in, I want the attention... I want to have friends like them too. The one you can rely on, the one who likes you. No one likes people like me, shy and timid, acting all cutesy and.. doesn't have confidence. But this is me.

    People call me fake because whenever I'm alone with someone, and that I'm comfortable with them, I don't stutter. When I'm with a group of people, I stutter, say the wrong words, face turning red.. This is my personality.

    Back in 2013, going to Karasuno, meeting new people... it was a huge challenge for me. I couldn't make friends because everyone seemed to click with someone and I'm just alone on my seat, waiting for that person.

    Then one day, a group of girls came to me. They were popular, they had many admirers, they had many friends... everyone liked them.

    "We'll let you join our group if you, (Y/n), could make the Tsukishima Kei your friend, boyfriend... basically your lover."

I never knew who he was, and I know for a fact that accepting that kind of dare could hurt the person. But.. I was blinded by my desire of getting noticed. So I said okay, I'll do it.

    The only person I spoke to in class was my seat mate, Yamaguchi Tadashi. Apparently he and Tsukishima were friends. Then, as a way to get closer to him, I volunteered to be the class rep.. and joined their club.

    But.... the time spent with him.. I never thought of the dare. I became more comfortable with him, and I wanted to get to know him more. He cared, except that he had that snarky or that attitude.

"If I weren't here, what do you think would've happened to you already?"

When he said he was being serious, I remembered the dare. I tried telling him not to, I tried pushing him off. But he said he liked me, and me for a fact, liked him too. I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but he held on to me.

Whatever happened between us was real; I loved him, I still do; I wanted to marry him and have a family of our own but he... heard the wrong side of the story.

"I'm leaving.. I.." Kei, I'm sorry..

I'm in my office, frustrated by the fact that I don't know where I put the important documents of the history if our company. Records and reports, they're all there in an brown envelope.

"O-Ow.." I whimper as I hit my head on my desk. I'm under my desk to search for the documents, fucking hell where are they??

"Ms. (L/n)?" I hit my head again as I jumped in shock from my secretary's voice. I crawled out and sat on my chair. "Are you alright Ms. (L/n)?" I shake my head, moving closer to my desk.

"Do you recall where I put or ordered you to put the documents from 2015-2021?" She raises both of her brows, blinking her eyes repeatedly. "Yes I'm clumsy and messy as hell, I don't know where I placed them. We're gonna have to use them soon and I don't even know where they are.." I let out a long sigh, rubbing the sides of my head.

"Well, I take record of almost all of your actions.. and you said last month that you will put in inside your car.. the black one.." I was flipping through the documents, freezing when I heard what she said. I slowly look up at her and she had an awkward smile on her face. "Y-You said uhm..." Fuck.

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