bokuto x reader

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"I think we were over, the moment you defied my requests to staying away from Max."


It's been 5 months since then, neither I nor the other tried to contact each other. So much for the 5 years of being together. If we had only lasted and fixed our problems instead.

I'm neither loving myself too much, nor hating myself for being a dick. I'm only a confused individual, not knowing where I should actually stand.

Unlike her, I'm more likely to discourage myself than to accept my flaws. She's already been a completed puzzle even before I entered the picture.

I relied on the love she gave me, feeling anxious, mad, and disappointed whenever she's not around. I wasn't exactly mad at her, I was mad at myself for being me. I'm an unfinished painting that tried to get paint from her to complete me.

I thought that she could complete me, but we're our own artists to our artworks, she's not supposed to be the one to complete mine. There's no one else but me who can, not her, not my friends. Not even my family.

"You accepted the Rolex but not her apology?" Konoha asks, eyes looking so irritated by him hearing me tell him what happened. "Bokuto, I know you were kinda stupid to sulk over the smallest things but this is beyond all that." He sighs, I ignore him and drank once again from the bottle of alcohol.

"I thought she'd call. I thought she'd... come to my... apartment." I say, hiccups in between my words. "But none." I place the bottle on the table, burying my face in my hands, laughing as I feel tears stream down my face.

"Did you actually expect that? Man you fucked up big time." I just laugh at what Konoha said, I'm wrong, I was always wrong. She was always right. "Also, having to be jealous over an engaged man is just— are you the girl in the relationship or what? Usually it's the girl who gets riled up and jealous of a different girl, not saying that this is a general basis but still." I shot him a look before taking the bottle and drinking again.

"Oh? It's empty." I say, realizing that there was no more alcohol in the bottle. I reach for another one when Ushijima steals it from me. "Hey, give me that." I complain, holding my head, feeling it banging already.

"You got scolded by coach for drinking nonstop. Having a completely ridiculous hangover during practice. I even have to look after you." He says, that stoic face never changes unless his girlfriend's around. I just scoff at him, barely managing to steal the bottle from his hand.

This is probably the fifth bottle. Tequila straight from the bottle feels.....nice.

I wonder how she's doing, is she eating her meals? Is she taking care of herself? Is she sleeping early? Did she finish her projects? Does she... still think of me?

(Y/n) is probably the most strong willed person I met. She only trembles before me, but she's above everybody else. It's because she's always adjusting to me, saying sorry if I didn't like a particular thing she did.

Maybe that's why I thought she'd come to me, because she always does everything. She chases me to fix us, but I don't let her. Now we're over... It hurts.

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