Terushima x Reader

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Ok this is requested by SoupCans I hope you like this! And I have no knowledge about Johzenji so, Pardon? 😂 Ok let's move on~

CLASSES ARE THE WORST! 😑 I walked through the gates, but before that I checked both left and right to see if he wasn't there. I sighed in relief...

"Ohayou L/n-san!" Kim greeted.


"Did you do your homework??" Liza asked.

"Yes Mom.." She smacked me. Ow, ok fine I won't call you mom, mom." I snickered, and she glared at me.. "Ok fine, sorry.."

"Well I guess he's not around to annoy you?" India asked slash said.

"I happier when he's not around.." I smiled.

"Or you miss him.." They smirked.

"Idiots, why would I miss an annoying guy?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"You would..." Gina said.

"Whatever, believe whatever you want to believe.." I said, and got my books from my locker and went to class. Well, since the 5 of us.. Me and the girls, have the same class.. They all sat around me before classes started.

"Did anyone hear that our volleyball team's gonna play against the fallen, whatever you call them. Like the school's name is, I think it was Kasaruno.." Kim said.

"It's Karasuno.." Gina corrected. I giggled.

"So what about it? Like someone there?" I smirked at Kim and they smirked at her too.

"No! I just want to watch our team play.. So who's coming?"

"First before that, when is it gonna be held?" Liza asked, we all know she has a stuffed schedule, and strict parents.

"Well, this Saturday.." Kim said, not looking at us but smiling by herself.. Probably day dreaming..

"I'm asking my parents before coming.." Liza said and we nodded.

"I'll come, well.. I don't have plans for Saturday.." India said.

"I'll come too.." Gina said.


"Well, whatever.. You're captain right?" Kim asked. He is?? That idiot's the captain??

"Yep!" He said proudly.

"Well I have plans on Saturday, so you three go.." I said looking at the view outside the window.

"Well then ok..." India said, I believe she's sad that the leader of the group, Me.. Even though I didn't like to be called the leader, whatever. She's sad that I'm not coming, Aish this girl.

"Why won't you?" Terushima asked, pouting.

"I'm not coming ok? I have to take care of my baby sister." I said, then they rushed to their seat right after seeing the teacher..

Ugh.. I wish I could just not lie to them.. I do have a baby sister, but taking care of her wasn't true. My brother keeps on smacking me playfully when I try to pick her up from the crib. Whatever, they're both kids anyway. But I do have jobs, like I have to do stuff for the student council. I hate being elected the president when I even make no sense in life.. Aish. Well, I'll just listen to Mr. Makoto, that's life anyways..

-Time Skip-

Yesterday I got home safely.. And successfully ran away from him trying to annoy me or him trying to act cute. Ugh.. But today.. He's annoying me more.
"Just please go to our gammeeeee..." He pleaded for the one thousandth time!

"I won't goooooo"


"Ok that's it! Can you like shut up?! And please stop telling me to go to your match! CUZ I TOLD YOU FOR THE 1000TH TIME THAT, I'M NOT GOING!" I yelled at him, and walked away. He stood there frozen. He didn't know what to do. Thank God he didn't follow me. Or even asked me to go to their match.

I went to my room, frustrated, throwing myself to bed. Aish why does he have to be so stubborn!!! I know their game's tomorrow, but I already wished him the best of luck but he- UGHHHH
I washed up, and went straight to bed, not caring about eating. Even though I am hungry.

-Day Skip-

It's been 2 weeks since I yelled at him, and ever since that, he didn't talk to me.. I did miss how he annoyed me and stuff.. And I also heard that they lost the match, I felt sorry for them.

"Uhh.. L/n-san, you haven't eaten lunch these days... You're gonna get sick.." Liza said.

"I am already sick..." I said.

"Well then eat.." Gina said, trying to feed me but I nodded a no.

"What's the matter??" India asked.

"Can I tell you guys something..?"

"Of course, if it's cancer​ oh hell nah!" Kim said.

"No no... I think.."

"You think?" They asked in unison.

"I think I like him..."


"You're crazy right?" Liza asked, raising a brow.

"No I'm not.. I miss the times he tried to annoy me.." I said and saw him walking into the cafeteria, we made eye contact but his face was dull when I looked at him.

"Your fault.." Kim said.

"Partly his.." India said and Gina nodded in agreement.

"Well he annoyed you, and you spat that out accidentally.." Liza explained.

"I'm gonna try and fix this.. I'll see you guys in class.." I said and left.

-Time Skip-

Classes were done and the volleyball team didn't have any training.. Since they lost the match.. I saw him by the classroom door. So I approached him.


"What?" He's cold to me now..

"Can we talk outside? Just the two of us... Well there's-"

"I know, let's go. Make it quick."

We went to the School's garden, and it seemed quiet. So it's just perfect.

"I wanted to apologise for what happened last time.. I know you probably wouldn't forgive me after that. And, Terushima-kun.. I, I like you.. But I know that you probably wouldn't return the same feelings after what happened.. That's all, thanks for listening to me.." I said while laughing and crying at the same time, I walked pass him but then he stopped me. "Nani? I thought that-" He cut me off with a kiss, and I snaked my arms around his neck.

"Who ever told you that I don't like you?" He smirked.


"You're so cute.. And yes I like you back, and that's the reason why I annoy you.. And from this day on, you're now labeled as my girlfriend.."

"I'm not a dog to be labeled​.." I giggled, he wiped my tears away and kissed me again. "I'm sorry Yuuji.."

"Don't worry, just remember that.. I will, always love you.." He said smiling at me. "Now let me walk you home.."

"Thanks, and I love you too.." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Let's go!" He said, I giggled. He smiled at me and I smiled back. Oh I just love this idiot.

Terushima: Hey I influenced you! ^^
Me: No you didn't! I was already like this!
Terushima: *pouts* Whatever.
Me: Well anyways don't mind this baby right here.. And thank you for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed that oneshot! Muah! 😘😘

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