ushijima x reader

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heyyy, here's another oneshot hehez i will keep writing updates, and uhm after this is probably akaashi then the long awaited req of my friend :] so uhm, and yesh
anyway, enjoy luvs :]


    I remember growing up that my mom would remind me not to fall in love for the reasons of just 'cause. I was taught not to be with someone out of no reason at all, she said that there should always be a reason.

    Yet, why is it that... whenever I ask my friends.. they don't have any? They tell me that, no, you don't need any reason to love the one you love. It's insane.

    Friends and classmates would usually tell me things like, 'hey, you and [classmate] look cute, are you two going out?'—things such as that. However, I find myself questioning why they say it.

    I've been taught to have reasons, yet there are many unreasonable things existing in life. Many unknowns that are yet to be discovered, and have reasons sought to know why it exists.

    If love.. is questionable and has to be reasonable... why is there parental love?

    I asked my mother that and she got mad, haha. I didn't mean to. I was only looking for reasons as to why she said that there should be a reason behind everything.

    "(Y/n), are you thinking of the unthinkable again?" I look at my friend who just flicked my forehead, flicking hers too as revenge. "Yeah—wow that hurts." I roll my eyes at her and she laughs as she takes the vacant seat in front of mine.

    "Hey, should I believe you? Or should I believe mom?" She raises her brow as she tilts her head, the usual look of her judging me made my blood boil. "Nothing."

    "Hmm, things like.. whether you should believe your mom that there's a reason to loving someone?" I nod, and she smirks, putting a pocky right at my mouth. "Don't."

    "Why not?"

    "Keep questioning that and you'll end up a maiden for the rest of your life. Lonely, and sad." She puts a hand at her chest, and fakes a tears as an act. "But really, there have been a lot of people that tried to confess to you, but they retreat because of your mindset."

    I take the pocky from her and eat, thinking back if there have been anyone who confessed to me. I don't remember. Maybe I'm just dense? That's impossible.

    "(Y/n), the Ishiki-sensei is asking for your notebook." I almost choke on my pocky, giving the tall boy a nod. Ushijima remains standing beside me, and the heat produced by my blood rushed to my cheeks. "Your notebook."

    "(Y/n), I think he's telling you to give it to him." I fix myself and nod at my friend's statement, shuffling through the compartment under my desk to look for it.

    I hand him the notebook, our eyes meeting for a few seconds in which I looked away immediately. He doesn't intimidate me, but I panic every time he's around.

    He leaves us—finally—and I could finally breathe again. My friends stares at me, suddenly bursting into laughter, catching all of our classmates' attention. I raise my brow at her and she smiles cheekily at me.

    "Babe, be honest with me." I nod hesitantly, and she regains composure, looking rather serious in a split second. "Was your heart beating fast when he came? Did you feel tingly inside? Does he make you uncomfortable or panicky?"

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