miya atsumu x reader

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    **note: this is not an update but a restoration of a deleted oneshot. enjoy.

    miya atsumu's pov

    There's still a day that lies and lingers in my head. The day I met an unbelievable, dramatic chic by the bridge last summer.


    I'm on my way to the gym for summer training, but as I was biking my way there, I saw a chic about to jump off the bridge. I immediately got off my bike and went up to her.

     "Don't come nearer." she managed to say through her sobs.

    "Hey it's alright, just get the hell off of the railing." I'm concerned and annoyed at the same time. She was trying to kill herself, like what's the point? Suicide will only make her go to hell.

    "Why?? W-Why are you trying to save me?" She turned around, and I saw her face. She was quite pretty in her own way, it'd be a waste to throw her life away.

    "I don't know what the hell is going on in your life, I don't ca— I mean.." Shit. I almost said I didn't care, that could've pushed her buttons more. "Ok, just get down from there, life will be better and, you'll only see that life blooming if you stay alive and not jump off the bridge." she continued to cry.

    "My friends left me, they don't like me. They don't want me with them. W-What have I done wrong? I've only been treating them nicely, I buy them food, I comfort them and listen to them when they need me. But whenever I needed them, none of them appeared." She laughed and cried. I don't really care about those types of experiences happening to me, but I can't imagine how hard it might've been for her.

    "Hey, hey.. It's okay. You don't need them, plus, if you kill yourself now they'd obviously just feel stronger and say that you're weak. You wouldn't want them to see you as a weak individual right?" She nodded. "So come down, and calm down. Stop crying. I promise you, life will be better, just try a little bit harder." She stepped off the railing and I can finally see her more properly this time.

    "I guess, there's nothing wrong about wishing and dreaming of a better ending." She smiled at me and walked away.

    present time

      It ticks me off every time I think of her. It just feels weird. I stared out the window, as I tap my fingers on my desk. In my peripheral vision, I could see our professor enter but I didn't pay attention.

     "Okay, so everybody settle down now. I have a student to introduce to you. Kurosu-san, come in." Our professor said
    "Hi I'm Kurosu (Y/n), Ihope we could all get along." Hearing the voice, my mind went blank. I looked up to see who it was, it was her. The crazy chic on the bridge. For some reason, we locked eyes.

     "Kurosu-san, you can sit beside....... Miya-kun." She said.

    "Which miya-kun?" My twin asked.

    "Atsumu. Miya Atsumu, the orange-ish yellow hair." She nodded and walked up to me, or I mean her seat. She didn't talk to me, she didn't say anything. I felt tense, considering our past.

    Classes went on, and now it's lunch. A bunch of girls came to her or me or us?¿?

    "Kurosu-chan, do you want to eat with us?" She smiled at them. Bur why the hell do I have my eyes on her?

    "I'd love that." She said, her voice is soothing. So much different from that time on the bridge.

    They left, and I just unconsciously had my eyes tracing her steps.

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