sakusa x reader

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part one.


  I don't know how things work, I always question myself whether I should just let things be and go on with what I could. But, with life often— always changing its state and challenges, we can't stick to one principle and meaning, we have to adapt to it every time it changes.

The world has its own customs and we, the people of the world, can never stay the same either. This world consists of many things; animals, nature, people. Not only does it have many other things, those things as well have many different kinds; sectors, types, sections, divisions, units and other more.

To live and survive, to mix in and blend and combine, to associate and communicate with everyone else-- with everything, we have to learn how to adapt and conform to all things. That is the fastest way to be one with everyone. To be one with everyone helps, you can understand everyone's feelings— but are they true?


    It's a peaceful Monday morning, I'm just seated at my desk whilst admiring the view of my classmates communicating, blending in and being one with the crowd. I'm quietly thinking of how they could make friends while I'm stuck on my seat just imagining how life could've been easier if I knew how to make friends.

    I have a friend but she's from a different school and we don't always meet, she's busy with her own life and she said they have an exam so we can't be together. I just want to communicate with other people but I don't know what to say. I know that they won't judge me (I hope) but I really have no clue of what I could speak of.

    I felt a quick tap on my shoulder and it caught my attention, I found Sakusa Kiyoomi in front of me. He as always is wearing a mask, he looks a bit disgusted of me too. I just tilt my head to the side while waiting for him to say something, he's just furrowing his brows like I look a whole lot like shit. Sorry but maybe I do look like it.

    "Math homework." Oh he's here to collect them.

    I rummage threw my bag to look for my textbook, putting some of my things on my desk to get my textbook out. Then I realized, "Aren't you grossed out by how possibly dirty the books are?" I ask, turning to him.

    "Just give me your fucking book." I chuckle and smile, he furrowed his brows more, sorry man.

    "I'm kidding, sorry if I have offended you. No need to get fired up." I turn quickly to my bag to get the textbook, handing it to him as I smiled apologetically. He coughed a little and took it from me, he's wearing gloves. I see. "Do you need help?"

    "No." He simply said and walked away.

    Sakusa Kiyoomi, if I am not mistaken, the lad's one of the best aces or is the best ace in the country under the age of 19. He's an athlete and surprisingly he's not grossed out by how he has to sweat and glide against the floor to dive and receive a ball before it hits the floor. He plays volleyball and many girls like him because of it.

    I've seen him play more than once and I can say that he really looks good while playing, not to mention, his skills too. He has amazing wrists that I wish I had, they're incredibly flexible. He could bend his wrists but still, I think there are risks and dangers for them. They still may snap if too pushed and bent, that could really hurt.

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