suna x reader

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alternative ending

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alternative ending. | enjoy :)


    Sadly, our plant wilted and died.. And our story came to an end. But...

Will there be a chance for us to grow a plant once more?


    Ever since we broke up, I haven't been able to do anything properly. (Y/n) on the other hand, has been able to hold on and move forward. While I'm here, slowly but surely.. I'm already losing my sanity.

    I've seen the people who stayed by her side to help. Some of her female friends, and one that hurt the most was seeing Osamu by her side.

    I know that he likes her, I know that he's trying to help her because he's hurt just by seeing (Y/n) try to mask up her broken heart. Should have I tried to fix things between us even if we resulted to staying as friends?

    But I want more than that...

    I still see her, we're in the same class, in the same club.. I love having to be in the same place as her, but I hate that we're not interacting with each other.

    "(Y/n)." Osamu's here again. I glanced at them, tucking my head in my arms on my desk as I felt my tears rush to my eyes.

    I hate this. I hate seeing him come here. I hate it that he's completely disregarding my feelings. Doesn't he know that she's not the only one hurting here?

    Days passed, turning into weeks, turning into months. I haven't been able to talk to her, I never spoke to her and neither did she try to talk to me.

    Graduation came to pass, and I never got the chance to fix myself, to fix us. I only watched her leave, maybe she's really better off without me.

    I only had Aran to help, it feels like I'm the bad guy between (Y/n) and me. Doesn't mean she's hurting, doesn't mean I'm not.

    "Where are you applying?" Aran asks and I just shrug. He gives me a stern look, trying to pull me out of the house. I haven't given college a thought ever since we broke up.

    "Does that even matter?" I ask, taking a sip from my glass of coke. He scoffs at my lifeless behavior, I look at my glass, playing with the straw and the ice.

    "(Y/n)'s applying in Tokyo." I nod a little. I don't know how I should even react from now on. (Y/n) never thought of going to Tokyo, she only planned on studying here. It's clear to everyone that she's trying to distance herself. "Are you seriously giving up?"

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