kenma x reader

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so this is a birthday gift for myself lmao
enjoy! :)


A thing one does when it's someone's birthday.. I don't even know what to do. Boyfriend things are my thing, I've never even given it a thought because... I forgot.

Her birthday is coming up and I've got no idea on what to give her. She has a Nintendo, PSP... and probably everything I could think of. She's got all the games that I've thought of giving. This is going to be difficult.

I'd love to prepare behind her back, but once I am in that situation, Kuroo's around. I don't like how he teases me, it's embarrassing. He won't stop until he shuts me up.

(Y/n).. what do you give girls that are addicted to video games and isn't that girly? All I could think of are game consoles, but again, she has those already.

I can ask her about what she'd like to have, but that might give me away. I don't want that... she'll laugh at me.

"Kenma, can you hold this for me?" I take her bag and she kneels to tie her shoes. "You've been quiet, you okay?" I nod and smile a little, and she nods.

"Why? I'm fine, don't worry." She links her arm with mine, showing me the puppy eyes. She's begging me to say it. "I'm really fine, maybe I'm a bit tired.."

"We could go home... I'll cook your favorite ramen?" I nod and a smile forms on her face. "You should rest while I cook, don't play video games."

"I won't." Because I'd be looking for things to give you on your birthday. "Let's go."

I open the door for her to get in the car, getting inside myself to go home. She's pretty happy today, and I don't want to ruin that, I love seeing her smile.

She took my hand and intertwined our fingers, holding my hand the whole drive home. She's humming to herself, the background music of the video game she's been playing recently.

I sometimes need to let go of her hand, and I'd always find a pout on her face whenever I do. She hates it when I let go, but, I don't have a choice. I had to.

"Kenma... are you going to work tomorrow?" I nod, glancing at her only to see a frown on her face. "Your coworker.... Amaia? The foreign one." I nod, hearing a 'hmph' from her.

"Why? What's wrong with Amaia?" I can hear (Y/n) cursing and growling, she doesn't like her. "(Y/n), what's wrong with her?"

"Nothing, she's just too pretty." I bite my lip to stop myself from chuckling, she'd be sulking until the next morning if I laugh. "Plus... she's the one closest to you—desk and office wise, and.. maybe relationship?"

I park outside and turn to her. "You're the one closest to me, you're my girlfriend." I cup her cheek and give her a kiss on the lips. "She's nothing."

"I was just saying." I tilt my head, pointing to the door to signal her to get out.

We get off the car, and she heads to the kitchen right away. Looking at her, I could only think of what to give her.. but none comes into mind. What would she like to have?

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