kuroo x reader x kenma

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**note: i will be updating with requests this time. i don't really remember who requested this but, this was days before i accidentally deleted the parts. this is late sorry, well then enjoy.

I with my team gathered at the gym with the mens' volleyball team. It's early in the morning and I just have to deal with their idiotic players.

"Oi Kageyama! Why didn't you toss to me?!" Hinata complained.

"It's because you keep messing up you dumbass!!" They scowled at each other.

I'm not the type of person to meddle in someone's business but this was just not it. They were noisy— extremely noisy that I just have to hit both of them.

I slowly walked up to the boys, with bloodshot eyes. Hinata noticed me and his expression changed immediately, Kageyama also flinched trying to get away. I smack their heads at the same time.

"Are you this noisy during training?" I glared at them and they shook their head. "Oh really?" I brought my face closer to Hinata's, he swallowed his saliva in fear.

"W-We're not usually n-noisy r-right Kageyama?" He eyed his friend and the other did the same.

"R-Right." I clicked my tongue and smacked them again.

"You're really bad at lying you know?" Hinata and Kageyama held their heads, feeling the pain linger. I stopped when I saw Hinata's eyes water.

Michimiya-senpai noticed and immediately ran up to me. Telling me to stop smacking them. Sawamura-san also walked up to us apologizing for the two but Michimiya-senpai said I was the one at fault.

"(Y/n), you shouldn't do that. Don't try to take their freedom away." I clicked my tongue when one of my teammates tried to scold me.

"They lack discipline. Those who lack discipline are useless." I said leaning on the wall with my arms crossed.

"Their business is none of your business so stop acting like you're their boss." I glared at Michimiya-senpai who just said that. "You have to calm down (Y/n)."

I wanted to argue with her but then the coaches and supervisors entered the gym. We were all asked to sit on the floor before them.

I didn't move an inch from where I was at, but Michimiya-senpai pulled me with her. I nonchalantly sat down and placed my attention on the coach.

"We won't have morning practice for now, but we will have joint training later." Takeda-sensei said. Ugh how much more could this day be worse. "That is for the preparation for a friendly match against Nekoma." I choked on my saliva, coughing the hell out of me.

"A-Are you okay?" My coach worriedly asked and I just gave them a thumbs up.

They continued to discuss things about the matter and I just had my head on the name Nekoma. I know people who goes there, and plays volleyball. Fuck, I want to get sick on the day of the practice match.

We were dismissed and now I'm in class, my head flying all over the place. I couldn't pay attention to my teacher who was teaching us Statistics and all other math shits.

I groaned in frustration as I remember things I should've not remembered. Out of all the times, why should it be now? I'm so pissed.

My phone vibrated, there was text message.

"See you soon kitten, I'd be waiting~" —Kuroo


Kuroo had invited me to play volleyball with him and Kenma. Kenma was someone who was kind of anti-social and doesn't really like talking to people. But when I saw him play he seemed okay.

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