bokuto x reader

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♠️ 𝑓𝑎𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑛𝑖𝑎;

I have insomnia, well, it's as simple as that--if that's what first came into your head then, I thought of the same. The first few nights that I couldn't sleep. But, I was wrong.

What I have isn't simply insomnia, I have FFI, which stands for Fatal Familial Insomnia. It's a deadly kind of insomnia.. there's no treatment, no cure. I'll die from it.

It's only been a week, and I'm still okay. I can hide the fact that I have it by using makeup to hide my bags if I ever have some. I'll pretend to be drinking coffee in the afternoon, so that they'll just suspect that it's because of caffeine.

A hard thing is that.. my boyfriend doesn't know about it. I don't want him to know about it. He would probably ask me if I'm lying, then he would come to a conclusion that it's because of caffeine. He's inquisitive, but he'll give up once he finds a reasonable answer.

Bokuto Koutarou; a professional volleyball player, playing for Japan, along with our friends from high school. He was scouted to be part of the team, so I couldn't do anything about it but support him. I enjoy seeing him play anyway.

He's a simpleton, and I would say.. it's a cute thing about him. The way how he rejoices in the smallest things brighten up my day. I really love seeing him smile.

"Love...." He says through the call, calling out to me like he's faced a serious problem. "Are you coming to my match in Beijing? We could go sightseeing after.. if you're not busy.."

"Sorry, but I have work on that day.." The expectant look on his face was immediately washed off with a frown. "I'll watch you live, on TV.. I'll still cheer you on."

"But... it's different when you come watch me live playing on the court." He stuffed his cheeks with air, looking at me with puppy eyes. "I'll buy you anything you want, please??"

"No is no, Koutarou." He pouted his lips and buried his mouth in the pillow he's laying on. "Also, why are you not wearing a shirt? You're going to catch a cold." He furrowed his brows and continued on with the puppy eyes.

"Then.. maybe.. I should just get sick.. then you'd come here to take care of me." He sat up and turned the camera off, and when it was back on, I can properly see him. "Are you not coming to see me before I leave in three days?"

"Hmm.. no?" He pouts his lips and takes a bite of his pizza. "Can I have pizza too?" He shook his head and continued eating. He's really adorable.

"You can have pizza, only if you'll come here." He continued to eat the pizza, and it made me wonder about my insomnia.

How will he actually take it once he finds out about it? Will he even find out? I haven't told anyone about it, not even my parents. I can't tell anyone yet. Will he take it well if I told him?

"Baby, are you sleepy?" He suddenly asks, and I nod, giving him a smile to reassure him. "Really?" I nod again and he lets out a sigh. "Okay then.. you just look like you're about to fall asleep on me. I'll hang up if you want to rest now."

Love, I can't even fall asleep.. how will I do that? "No, I'm fine.. I was just thinking about work. Anyway, about sleep.." He chewed on his pizza, making me chuckle. "Aren't you going to sleep? Don't you have training tomorrow morning?"

"I do.. but I want to spend time with you.. every second counts.." I can't help but smile. Every second does count, now that I'm about to die. "But, you look like you need to rest.. I love you, I'll call you first thing in the morning." I wave a little, chuckling at how he kissed his screen.

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