You Came Back

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ft Tadashi

listen to the song I've linked in the media section c: this chapter is based loosely on it


You sat on your bed. You turned to the frame on your bed stand and picked it up. You gently placed your hand on his face. Tadashi Hamada. Your boyfriend. Your best friend. Your everything is gone. Tears rolled down your cheek. You heard a soft knock on the door. You hurriedly wiped away your tears. "Come in." You shakily called out.

The door opened, revealing a tall guy wearing a cap, covering his black hair and had a smile on his face. You couldn't believe what you saw. "Missed me love?" He grinned. "You're back." You ran to hug him. He held you in his arms. "I'll always be here ___." He smiled a smile. You could see light shining behind him. "I know you will." You smiled as he placed a kiss on your forehead.

// time skip // 

A few years later...everything was perfect.

You saw him sitting down with a cup of coffee in his hand and his phone in the other. "Hey handsome." You smiled as you sat down. He looked up from his phone and gave you a kiss. "Afternoon love." He replied. "Where are we going?" You asked as you sipped your drink. "Somewhere." He replied with a twinkle in his eye. "Come on, tell me." You pouted. "Sorry love. It's a surprise." He laughed at your actions. "Fine." You gave up.

There was a moment of silence between you two. You noticed he was staring at you. "Is there something on my face?" You asked self consciously. "You're just so beautiful." He smiled standing up and linked arms with yours. You giggled and placed your finished drink down on the table.

"Did I tell you that you look lovely in (favorite color dress)?" He complimented as he opened his car door for you. "Thanks handsome." You replied and slid in the comfortable seat. "Next stop. (theme park)." He grinned. "Are we really going there?" You asked. You always wanted to go there.

"Yes princess. We're going there." He replied and started the engine. "Thank you!" You exclaimed and gave him a kiss. "I'll bring you there at least every year." He promised. "You're the best." You exclaimed. "I know I am." He replied smugly. You just shook your head and laughed. 

// time skip // 

You stared at your phone. 

You: Hey handsome. You there? 

A few weeks ago, you saw him less and less, the calls and texts became less and less. He seemed to never be there for you. You never saw him at SFIT. Neither have Honey and the rest. Only Hiro was silent about the matter. 

You couldn't stand it anymore. You stood up, laced up your shoes and opened your front door. "I'm going somewhere!" You yelled to your mom who was upstairs and walked to the Tadashi's house. 

"Oh h-hi sweetie." Cass greeted nervously. "Hi Aunt Cass. I'm here to see Tadashi." Your expression softened. "O-oh about t-that." Cass stuttered. "Aunt Cass where are my bo-" Hiro ran down the stairs. 'Uh hi ___." "What's going on?" You raised an eyebrow. They both seemed so weird. 

"Come on up sweetie. I think we have to tell you this." Cass sighed as she closed the cafe. "Tell me what?" You asked. You saw tears forming in Hiro's eyes. You pulled him into a sisterly hug. "It's hard." He admitted and hugged you back. "Whatever it is, we're all here." You patted his back. "Thanks ___." He wiped his tears away and forced a smile. 

You all sat down on the dining table. "Where's Tadashi?" You asked. Hiro and Cass looked at each other. "Please, tell me." You pleaded. "It's been a few weeks ___." Cass said. "He never came home." 

You stared at them. Tadashi never came home? "I swear I hear him coming home when midnight comes. But I never saw him. I looked for him using Baymax, but he was nowhere to be found." Hiro confessed. This is not possible. He came back. He came back for me. He can't leave like this. 

"We know this is hard to be believe sweetie." Cass said comfortingly. You tried to hold the tears back. "He came back." You mumbled. "He did." She smiled. "Did he leave any signs or whatever?" You asked curiously. "I-I u-uh must have forgotten to do that." Hiro replied nervously. "Come on Hamada. We're going to look for clues." You dragged him into their room. 

You both searched for anything he left behind. You were going through his books and found a note in between the books. 

Hi love, 

           I knew you'll find this. 

           I came back for you. But it's time for me to go. I love you since the first day I laid my                  eyes on you. You are my everything. I know I promised you I'll bring you to (theme                    park), you'll still go there every year. Move on, forget me if you want. Take care of Aunt             Cass and Hiro for me. Study well, graduate SFIT and have a happy family. I'll always be             there for you. I'll always be with you no matter what. I love you to bits ____. I'll be                       watching you. 

                                                                                                                         Love, Tadashi 

// time skip // 

"Hey ____! We're going to Fred's house later. Please say you're coming!" Honey pleaded while you both were in the hallway. "Sorry Honey. Today's the day Tadashi came back." You smiled. "Tadashi came back? ___, I'm sorry for saying this but he hasn't been here for years!" Honey said. Tadashi did come back. He left me a note. "You don't remember?" You asked. "Remember what? ___, Tadashi died and he can't come back to life." Honey lowered her voice. You just inhaled deeply. "Look, I know you still haven't gotten over him, but you should start meeting other people." Honey smiled. "Someday." You replied and you both walked to your classes. 

You had Science together with Hiro. "Hey Hiro." You smiled as you sat right next to him. "Hey ___." He greeted. "You going to Fred's house later?" "No, today's the day Tadashi came back remember?" You reminded, hoping he'll remember, unlike Honey. "I keep feeling like he came back. But it's not possible ___. It's seems like it happened, but it's impossible." He said. He came back, he really did. Why doesn't anybody remember him? 

"Bye guys. I'm going home." You said as you picked up your bag from your lab. "So soon?" Wasabi asked. "Yeah." You replied uncertainly. 

You felt so confused. Tadashi seemed to fade away in people's minds. All they remembered is that he died a few years ago. He came back. He came back for me. You reminded yourself. 

You seemed to fade away, as if you were never there. 


You woke up. You turned to the frame on your bed stand. Tadashi and you looked so happy together. You sobbed silently. 

It was a dream, wasn't it? 



Sorry for not updating for a zillion years ;; this is so off the plot I had in mind. But oh well. 

Thank you for 88 votes <3 

Do you want this in Hiro's version? 

Silv3rT3ar is one of my favorite youtube cover singers // is that what you call it? // 

// i finally know the feeling of being anti - social // 

I love you to the galaxies and back <3 

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes 


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