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You panted as you jogged. Your boyfriend Hiro Hamada, running behind you. 

You and the team was trapped in an deserted island. 

You all got split up. Luckily, Hiro was with you during the split. But Baymax wasn't with him.

"Let's take a break." He finally caught up with you.

"No." You replied. 

"_____please-" You pushed yourself to walk a few steps and fell. 

"_____ are you okay?" He ran and helped you up against a tree. 

You noticed that you both reached a nice shady and dry spot, with a clear pond beside it. 

"I miss home." Your eyes started to get teary. 

"I miss home too." He pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you. 

"What if we never get back?" You buried your face into his chest. Though his suit was blocking you from his real body, you could feel the warmth. 

'We'll get back. I promise." He buried his face in your hair. 

"What do you think happened to the team?" You asked. 

"Probably split up. Like us. Maybe Baymax is with one of them or he's all alone." He replied. 

"He has his scanner?" You pointed out. 

"Unoperational." He replied. 

"I'm tired." You finally admitted. 

"We've been walking for days." He placed a piece of your hair that came out of your ponytail over your ear.

"I hope we find the team soon." You yawned. 

"You need some water?" He asked referring to the pond. 

"Yeah. Thanks." Your voice hushed to a whisper. 

He went to get some water for both you and him. 

You thought about home. 

Where your parents and (younger sibling) will be anxiously waiting for you. None of them knew you were doing all this. 

Aunt Cass, she'll be worried sick. 

"At least Hiro is here with me." You thought. 

"Here, drink up." He gave you a coconut shell filled with fresh water. 

"Thank you." You smiled and gulped it down. 

"Get some rest." He placed a kiss on your head. 

You both heard footsteps and sounds. 

You and him cautiously stood up. 

"We found you!" Honey Lemon appeared so did the rest of the team. 

"Honey!" You exclaimed and she pulled you into a tight hug. 

"You have no idea what we were all doing." Wasabi let out. 

"It's pretty cool though. Us like a team, on an island trying to esca-" Fred babbled. 

"We all know." GoGo rolled her eyes.

"Baymax?" Hiro asked. 

You could see a marshmallow waddling his way here.

"I am not fast." He informed. 

"Let's get some sleep and we'll plan tomorrow." Hiro said and you all made a bed using the leaves. 

You slept together with Hiro.To be honest, you were really afraid of sleeping in the open. 

"Goodnight everyone!" Honey yawned. 

"Night everybody." You smiled and Hiro wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"Sleep tight! Don't let the bedbugs bite!" Fred exclaimed. 

"Bed bugs?" Wasabi shivered. 

"There is no such thing as bed bugs. Children like to call them bedbugs because-" Baymax started sitting up. 

"Woman up Wasabi. Night everyone." GoGo said. 

"Sleep tight." Hiro said and faced you. 

"Sweet dreams." He smiled and kissed you. 

"You too." You gave him a kiss in return and you all fell asleep. 



Sorry for not updating for days! This was semi inspired by the Hunger Games lol. 

I'm am outdated. Yes I know. I just read all three books and watched all the movies.

Katniss and Peeta for LIFE 

// I'm a big shipper. I CRUISE // 

Leave some ideas down below? 

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3 ~ 

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes <3

[10 % edited]

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