From a Distance

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idea by @AbegailHamada_08 

I hope this was what you had in mind c: but thanks for giving me this idea. It worked out in my slow brain lmao


You walked down your school hallway. 

You stared enviously at a group of friends.

Wasabi, GoGo, Fred, Honey Lemon and Hiro Hamada.

You had this big crush on him for a year or so.

They seem friendly but you were always too shy to interact with them, or even ask them a question.

You quickly noticed Hiro looking at you.

You quickly shifted your attention to your locker and pretend to sort your books.

You felt your cheeks burn as you walked to your class.

"Hey _____. You okay?" Emily, your friend asked as she walked up to you.

"Yeah. I'm okay." You replied.

"Your face was a little red." She giggled.

"Yeah. It's kinda hot." You lied. 

"Well. I'll see you around." She waved and walked down the hallway. 

You haven't had a best friend for years. After your best friend moved. 

You had friends. But not friends whom you can tell your secrets to. 

You sat down by a table by the window.

You stared out of the window, uninterested, as you heard students walk in.

Someone sat beside you.

You turned your head to see Hiro Hamada grinning at you.

"Nice view huh? Now I understand why you like to sit here." He said.

It's because I'm too shy to sit nearby you.

"Yeah. The view's great." You lied.

"Hey! I'm suppose to sit here." A girl exclaimed. She usually sits next to you during robotics.

"Can you sit somewhere else please?" He asked.

"Okay." She half groaned and walked to the center of the class.

You pretended to not hear the conversation.

"Hey, I need help with his. _____ right?" He pulled out a piece of homework.

"Yeah. Hiro Hamada?" You smiled a little.

He knows my name!

"The one and only. So I don't know this." He pointed to a sum.

You knew he knew this sum well. He did this before. You saw him when you passed his robotics lab.

But you taught him anyway.

"Thanks ______. I have a load of this back in my house. Can you come over and help me?" He asked as the professor walked in and started the lecture.


During lunch. You walked around looking for a familiar face.

"_______! Over here!" You heard Hiro called out.

You looked for him and found him by the table nearby the window.

As you walked closer. You saw his entire group of friends there.

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