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Hope you guys like it c:


Your phone buzzed. "What the heck? It's only 8 in the morning!" You groaned lazily, checking the time. You yawned and rubbed your sleepy eyes. You grabbed your phone to see who was calling. 

Hiro Hamada

"Morning handsome." You answered his call. "Morning beautiful." He said huskily. Just woke up I guess. You giggled. "You woke me up from my beauty sleep." You whined, still under your bed covers. "I can't sleep and I'm bored." He whined back. "You want me to come over don't you?" You yawned. "Yes please?" He replied cutely. "Fine. My parents are out at work anyway. I'll be there." You gave in. "Yay thanks!" He exclaimed and hung up. 

You pulled yourself out of your soft bed, threw on some comfortable clothes, freshen up, put on your shoes and walked over to his house. "Morning Aunt Cass!" You greeted as soon as you opened the cafe door. "Morning sweetie. Hiro called didn't he?" She giggled as she served some pastries to her customers. "He said he was bored." You laughed. "Just an excuse to see you." Cass smiled and you walked up the stairs and opened Hiro's room door.

He was still in his pajamas and sprawled on his bed, playing with one of his bots. "Can't sleep handsome?" You smiled and sat beside him. "You're here." He exclaimed and hugged you. "You wanted me here." You hugged him back.

"I'm super bored." He stated as you both snuggled under his covers. "I was sleeping." You said a little annoyed. "Oh come on ___. I was bored." He whined. "That's why I'm here." You pinched his nose. "So what should we do?" He asked and put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. "Anything would be fine." You replied snuggling into his chest. "Video games?" He suggested. "Can we do that later?" You yawned. "Still sleepy?" He smiled and gently stroked your hair. "Mmh." You nodded and closed your eyes. "We can play it later then." He said as you unknowingly cuddled him. He laughed a little a your action. He always found you adorable. "Thanks handsome." You murmured, half-awake. "Welcome princess." He smiled as you fell asleep. He watched as you slept. You looked so peaceful that he himself, couldn't help but drifted of to sleep. 

"Kids I-" Aunt Cass opened the door. "Oh, how adorable." She giggled as she cautiously walked over to the bed. Hiro's arms were around your waist while you snuggled into his chest. "Sleep tight." She whispered and closed the door. 



Short and crappy chapter :C I was baking, and it turned out to be an epic fail lmao. 

Can we get this book to 80 votes please? 

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3 

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes 


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