Protecting You (Part 2)

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Idea by @AbegailHamada_08 <3

Here is part 2! I'm terrible at coming up with titles

a little bit of cursing tho. Hope you all don't mind c:


"Thanks for waking me up earlier. But you could just shake me awake." He nudged you while you both walked to the laboratory.

"I shook you and you didn't wake up. So what other choices do I have?" You shoved him.

"Well um.... You could um...." He blushed, thinking of how you could have woke him instead of using cold water.

"You always wake up on time." You pointed out.

"I uh.. had a lot of homework." He pretended to look at his shoes to see whether the laces were untied. He was obviously avoiding eye-contact with you.

"Um okay?" You said confused.

"Hey remember that robotics project we had to partner up and-" He changed the subject.


You went to Hiro's place on Saturday to discuss the project.

Besides, you wanted to talk to him about the heroes saving the runaway cable car yesterday. 

You had some great ideas for the project too.

You knocked on his bedroom door and opened it. You felt like you were still invading his privacy.

He was still sleeping, as usual.

You walked closer to his bed and heard a faint beeping.

You looked around to see what was causing the beeping.

His computer.

You walked over to his computer that was on sleep mode.

You pressed a button that Hiro set to wake the computer.

"Top Secret?" You wondered as the icon popped up on the screen.

You pondered about opening it, but it wouldn't stop blinking. Out of curiosity, you glanced around, and clicked on the mysterious file.

Hiro is your best friend ever since you both were 4 after all, he wouldn't be keeping something that looks this important from you. Right?

You started to imagine what a 14 year old boy would have in his computer… Even still, you became more

and more curious as the files begin to load, while taking deep breaths.

Pictures of villians and chat boxes appeared everywhere.

Why would villians be top secret? They have nothing to do with Hiro!

You scrolled through the multiple chat boxes trying to dig up his ‘so-called’ secrets.

“Honey? Fred? GoGo? Wasabi? Why am I not in this?” You wondered, while keeping Hiro in your field of vision, just in case.

Hiro: Guys, cable car is on the run. Meet in 5 

Wasabi: Be right there

Honey Lemon: On the way

GoGo: Got it

Fred: Yay another mission!

“This was yesterday? They are the superheroes?” You tried really hard to organize your thoughts.

You took a few steps back in confusion.You can’t believe that your nerdy, happy-go-lucky friends, are actually heroes who have saved the world several times. But the one that hit you the hardest was,

Why didn't they tell me? Why wasn't I involved? I'm still his best friend aren't I? Aren’t I the one who should be closest to him? 

You tripped on one of his robots on the floor and fell, causing Hiro to wake up.



And there's a cliffhanger for you <3

I recently wrote a new OC book!

Title: Afternoons in Autumn

It would mean all the chocolate and Teen Titans episodes if you did <3

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


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Instagram: fantaisiec (editing) | @frosnxwkyo (old editing acc) | @evangelinelxr (personal)

Twitter: @evangelinel2002 (personal)

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