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How cool is it to be able to teleport?! 


You lazed in your room lazily. It was a hot summer afternoon. 

Hiro Hamada: Yokai alert. 

You suit up as soon as you saw the text. You and your friends were superheroes. You had (power). Hiro Hamada was your neighbour next door, and your best friend. I am friend-zoned. Don't think about it. You reminded yourself. You had a crush on him since the first day you saw him. 

You jumped over the fence and hurried to his garage, where you all usually meet. 

"Received your text." You panted. Hiro was checking up on Baymax, making sure everything was okay. "He's in town." He said. "We're here!" Fred yelled in his suit. Everyone was in their suits. "Good. Let's get going, he's in town." Hiro said you all climbed up on Baymax. 

You all jumped off Baymax. "Uh Hiro? Why are we in the mall?" GoGo questioned. Everybody was either busy shopping or staring at you and the rest and taking photos. "Everyone evacuate the mall!" Hiro shouted. And something flew out of nowhere. Everyone started screaming and running. 

Microbots started filling the area with a black figure standing on it. "Yokai." Hiro muttered as you all huddled close. "What's the plan?" Wasabi asked. "Surround him. We'll try to evacuate the microbots." Hiro ordered. "GoGo and Fred surround him." "On it." GoGo said and ran around him along with Fred breathing fire everywhere. "Honey, Wasabi. Cut down his microbots." Hiro commanded. "____. You and me with Baymax attack him." "Got it." You replied and ran at him while shooting out (power). 

"Duck ____!" Hiro yelled and Baymax blasted his rocket fist. But Yokai managed to block it. Yokai immediately grabbed you with his mircobots. "Hiro! Help!" You shouted. "____!" Honey and Hiro gasped. GoGo, Fred and Wasabi started panicking. You could feel Yokai smirking. "Honey, trap his mircobots, Fred, fire at Yokai, be careful of _____, GoGo and Wasabi cut those bots." Hiro said in the walkie talkie. 

"Got it Hiro." They replied. "Hang in there _____." Honey said and started trapping the mircobots with her chemicals. "Woman up." GoGo yelled and cut the mircobots. "We'll get you." Wasabi said and ran after GoGo. "Freddie's gonna save ____!" Fred exclaimed and started jumping up and down while Yokai chased after him using his microbots. "Just hold it a bit longer." Hiro said and Baymax came charging at Yokai. Microbots flew out of the mall. "Let her go." Hiro commanded. "No." Yokai replied and microbots flew at them. "I said let her go."  Hiro repeated. "No." Yokai laughed. 

"You leave me no choice." Hiro said and Baymax's rocket fist came flying at Yokai, causing him to drop you to the ground. Honey Lemon grabbed you and brought you to a safer spot. "Are you okay?" She asked breathlessly. "I'm fine." You panted. "Let's get back out there." She smiled and both of you ran and attacked. 

After what felt like eternity, Yokai retreated with his microbots. Polices and reporters piled in.

"Thank you for saving this place." 

"What are you names?" 

"How did he retreated?"

"Is he gone for good?" 

You started feeling a little dizzy. You gripped on Hiro's arm for support. "You alright?" Hiro quickly turned to you. "She's feeling nausea due to what happened earlier." Baymax infomed. 

"What happened?"

"What's going to happen?" 

"She is alright. The enemy had her using his mircobots, but everything will be alright." Hiro said and led you to Baymax. "Come on, let's go." He ordered and the rest climbed up on Baymax. 

"Feeling better?" Honey asked while Baymax placed you down on your bed. "Yeah." You replied. "It's all good then." Wasabi smiled. "You had me shocked earlier." Fred laughed. "Everybody was you nitwit." GoGo retorted half heartedly. "I'm glad you're okay." "We'll be going then. Get a good rest." Wasabi said. "Yeah we should." Honey got up from your bed. "I'll stay here with Baymax in case anything happens." Hiro said. "Bye! Take care of her Hiro! Take care ___!" Honey waved and they left. 

"Baymax, scan her." Hiro said and sat on your bed, right next to you. "She's feeling better. With a little rest, she'll be alright." Baymax informed. "Okay buddy. I'm satisfied with my care." He smiled and Baymax deactivated, 

"You had me worried sick." Hiro said. "Sorry. But I'm okay now." You giggled. "I'm serious! You looked like you're about to die." Hiro exclaimed. "Sorry. Although I really felt like dying." You smiled. You felt your eyes starting to close. "I love you ___." You heard Hiro mumbled. "I love you too." You murmured and felt Hiro snuggling next to you and fell asleep. 



lol what kind of confession is that? although it's adorable cx 

Anyway thank you for 100 votes <333333 should we do like a competition or something? If you guys want it let me know. 

I'll try to update tomorrow, but this chapter was meant for tomorrow c: but I couldn't wait to publish it lewl

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3 

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakess 


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