Not-So-Secret Crush

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You sneaked a glance at the boy a few seats in front of you.

He was a friend of your friends, but you never got around to hang out with him.

He had poofy jet black hair and wore his usual blue hoodie, graphic robot shirt and black jeans.

He instantly awed you when you first saw him hang out with your friends.

No one knew your little secret crush.

You weren't keen on anybody knowing either.

He spun his head around and you ducked your head behind your oversized textbook.

"Hey ______! Oh Hiro! You're here too!" Honey waved as she stepped into the library.

"Hi Honey." You greeted softly, not wanting to disturb the others in the area.

"Hey Honey." His voice sounded angelic.

"Oh my gosh, you both can finally meet each other!" She squealed-whispered excitedly.

"Sick." He smiled. "I'm Hiro Hamada."

His smile melted your insides.

"I'm ______. Nice to finally meet you." I blushed.

"Now both of you chit-chat while I go find the chemistry book I need." Honey swatted her hands like a mother talking to her child on the first day of preschool.

"Robot-making?" He raised his eyebrows as he read the title of the guide I was reading.

"Yeah, I'm just starting out though, I'm more of a chemistry major like Honey." You blushed again.

"Sick! What kind of robot do you want to make?" His enthusiasm was adorable.

"Hmm, I'm not really sure. Maybe something basic like robotic rollerblades." You wanted to start off with something small.

"Do you need help with that? I mean, I can help if you want?" He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sure, I would love that. When do we start?" You asked excitedly.

"Right now. Come on, we can go to my place. I have everything you need there." You both stood up and left the library, without forgetting to inform Honey.


It was a year since you finally became friends with him.

Your secret crush never stopped growing.

Too bad he doesn't like you.

"______! Let's have a girls sleepover! GoGo's down." Honey suggested at lunch.

"Sounds fun, we haven't had one in ages." You agreed.

"I'm feeling a little excited too!" GoGo admitted.

"What's going on?" Wasabi asked as the boys put their lunches down on the table.

"Just a girls sleepover." You replied nonchalantly.

"Freddie wants to join!" Fred exclaimed.

"It's a girls sleepover, Fred." Hiro rolled his eyes. "Have fun."

"Don't we ever?" Honey smirked and you did a high-five with GoGo.


"Let's play truth or dare!" Honey suggested as you all cosied up in your blankets.

"That's old but yeah whatever." GoGo shrugged and you nodded.

"Let's start with ____! Truth or dare?" Honey asked.

"Truth." You were too lazy to get up to do anything.

GoGo and she exchanged a look you couldn't read.

"Do you have a crush on Hiro?" Honey smirked.


You instantly blushed and put a pillow on your face.

"She does!" GoGo exclaimed. You've never seen her so into a relationship before.

"I told you so!" Honey squealed.

"You can't tell anyone about it!" You cried.

"But everyone knows." GoGo informed smugly.

"WHAT?!" You face-palmed yourself.

What were you going to do now?

I'd move away from here, um, find a new university, and uh never show my face again in San Fransokyo.

"Except Hiro. He's oblivious." Honey quickly added. You breathed in relief. You didn't know what you would do if he found out.

"This is my new OTP." GoGo sighed happily.

"But you don't do OTPs." You pointed out.

"I'll make an exception for you." She winked.

"Does um, Fred and Wasabi know?" You asked.

"Duh." GoGo replied.

"When did you start crushing on him?" Honey wanted to know the juicy details.

"About two years ago I think."

"And you never told us?! ______!" Honey whined.

"It was my secret." You blushed.

"Secret crush eh?" GoGo smirked.

"Not-so-secret crush now." Honey followed the latter's expression.

"Can the both of you stop teasing me about it?" You whined.

"Don't worry. You'll never hear the end of this." Honey teased playfully.

"This will only stay between us alright?"

"Can we tell Wasabi and Fred too. They're dying to find out." Honey pleaded.

"Fine. Just them. Not a single word to Hiro." You sighed and the girls high-fived.

"Don't worry ______. Your not-so-secret crush secret is safe with us." GoGo reassured.

Not-so-secret crush secret. Wow, sounds complicated.

"That sounds complicated." Honey blurted.

"Exactly what I was thinking." You laughed, you were lucky to have these two as your best friends.



Horrible chapter because this is really rushed (:

I'm not dead guys.

Just dead in the fandom :(

I'm sorry.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter x and if you want more from me, I have 2 5sos books up if you read or don't mind reading them! It would be a lot if you do xx

follow my disney account on iNstagram @/kingdcms because I'm super active there. By active I mean not posting edits, but by um, rambling to no one about life so (:

love, lavendeurs

[ unedited ]

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