Winter Day

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Hiro x Reader

(Y/N) - Your Name

(H/C) - Hair Color

A/N: I love Hiro <3 Okay so reader and Hiro (my bae) are boyfriend-girlfriend <3



I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing.

Hiro: Morning sleepyhead! It's snowing! I'm coming to your house in 15 minutes

It's snowing?! I ran to my window. It is snowing! I really wanted to just stay in bed a little longer, but Hiro is coming in 15 minutes. Ugh, it's only 9:00 A.M

"(Y/N)! Hiro's here!" I heard my mom shouted from downstairs. Footsteps started getting louder and louder and it came to a stop. "(Y/N)? I'm coming in." Hiro said as he knocked on the door. "Sure!" I replied as I set my hairbrush down on my dresser. 

"Hey beautiful." He grinned as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Morning handsome." I replied blushing. He took off his winter jacket and hung it on my door. He still looks handsome in his shirt and baggy pants.

"What do you plan on doing today?" He asked as we both sat on my bed. "I was thinking of sleeping in but your text came." I pouted. "Sleepyhead." He mumbled. "Hey!" I exclaimed and whacked him with my pillow. "Ouucch!" He whined. "That's what you get." I teased and gave him a "sorry" hug. "No sorry kiss?" He frowned. "Nope." I smirked. "Then I'll just have to get it." He smirked back. Uh oh. He then started tickling me. "Stop! Stop!" I squealed. "Not until I get what I want." He smirked and tickled me even harder. "Okay! I surrender." I gasped between laughs. "Prove it." He said and stopped tickling me. I leaned in to kiss his cheek but he swiftly turned his head and instead I kissed his lips. "No fair!" I whined. "Aww don't be mad." He said cutely and gave me a backhug. "How can I stay mad at you when you are so cute." I teased. "I am not cute!" He frowned. "You so are." I teased and gave him a kiss. His frown turned into a mischevious smile. Oh no. He grabbed me and spun me up in the air. "Put me down!" I half screamed. "Not until you say you're sorry!" He grinned. "Fine, I'm sorry!" I said  "Sorry who?" He asked. "Sorry Hiro!" I replied. "Hiro who?" He smirked. "Hiro, my super handsome boyfriend." I squealed as he spun me again. "You forgot the word perfect." He grinned. "Just let me down." I said as I started whacking his shoulder. "Okay okay!" He surrendered and placed me on my bed. "What do you want to do?" Hiro asked for the second time. As if on cue, my mom burst in. "Mom! How many times do I have to remind you that please knock!" I complained. "Sorry hon." she apologized. "I just came up to suggest that you both go outside? The snow seems lovely and it's not snowing that hard." my mom suggested "Let's go outside!" Hiro said. "Please (Y/N)?" "Okay. It'll be fun." I smiled. "Great! I'll get some hot chocolate ready before you go outside." my mom smiled. "Thanks mom!" I thanked. "Thank you!" Hiro thanked as well.

"Come on, let's get ready." Hiro smiled and he gave me a kiss on the head after my mom went down. I quickly pulled my winter jacket, scarf and beanie out of my closet as Hiro put his jacket on. We quickly hurried down the stairs. "Morning dad." I greeted my dad who was sitting by the fireplace in his armchair reading the newspaper. "Morning hon." my dad smiled. "Going out?" "Yeah, the snow seems awesome!" Hiro replied enthusiastically. "Glad you both are excited." my dad laughed.

After drinking my mom's delicious hot chocolate with marsmallows, we put on our winter boots and walked to the park. There was a few kids with their parents playing with the snow, a few others by the frozen lake which was perfect for ice skating and some couples taking a stroll. Suddenly I felt something cold behind my back. Oh no he didn't. I silently took up some snow and shaped it into a ball. I swiftly turned and spalt. The snowball hit his face that was muffled by his scarf. "Snowball fight!" He exclaimed and quickly shaped snowballs. "I'm so going to win." I yelled at him and started shaping my snowballs.

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