Protecting You (Part 3)

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Idea by @AbegailHamada_08 <3

Here is part 3!


 "Who is it?" He asked wearily.

You cursed that robot under your breath and quickly got up.

"You are all doing this without me?" You said in disbelief.

"What were you doing with my computer?" He raised his voice.

"You guys left me out on all this?" You yelled at him, and tears rolled down your cheeks.

You felt as though you can never trust him anymore, as your mind started to go blank.

"Have you been going through my computer?" He shouted at you, while sounding nervous.

"I thought I was your best friend." You whispered and collapsed onto the floor, crying.

You couldn't take what you just heard and saw.

He quickly got out of bed, ran to his computer, and saw everything you've seen.

"What were you doing?" He asked in a cold, shaky, voice.

He looked into your eyes.

He saw the hurt, and the sorrow of lying and betraying you.

"Your computer started beeping and it was annoying." You replied sharply, swallowing back your tears.

You looked back into his eyes.

"We never kept anything from each other." Your voice barely a whisper, but you made him know that you are mad.

"I-I..." He didn't know what to do in this situation, his secrets has been revealed to you.

“Why did this happen?”.

"Why?" You asked.

"I didn't want anything to happen to you." He whispered and sat on his bed.

"You could have just told me." You sat beside him, the anger all fading away.

"I-I d-didn't know h-how." He admitted.

"I can't believe I've been lied to for a year." You turned to look away.

"I-I'm sorry. I was going to tell you someday." He said.

"When is that one day, Hamada?" The anger returning back to you.

He looked down and stayed silent, knowing that starting an argument won’t help anyone at all.

"That's what I thought." You snapped and stood up.

"See you on Monday Hamada." You said bitterly and went down the stairs, trying to wipe the tears off your face.

“Wait, let me explain!” He shouted.

He sat there staring at your retreating figure, and tears began to fall. Even if it was his fault, he told himself that you should have sat down and listened to his explanation, blaming it on your ‘escape’.



Part 3! Do you like it so far? My editor helped me a lot c:

I need to study more English lmao

Please read my story <3

Title: Afternoons in Autumn

Comment for a shoutout if you read and give a comment or a vote <3

Can we hit 700 votes please? I still can't believe I have 600+ votes.


Special shouout to @fransokyans (nerdsfromthelab) <3 Thanks for the follow

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


Soical Media Link/Usernames

Instagram: @fantaisiec (editing) | @frosnxwkyo (old editing) | @evangelinelxr (personal)

Twitter: @evangelinel2002 (personal)

Comment your username if you want to follow my personals! Thank you <3


[ unedited ]

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