Protecting You (Part 5)

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Idea by @AbegailHamada_08 <3

Here is part 5!


You ran back home before your parents could come back from work.

You locked your room door and started crying.

"It's okay. He wanted to protect you." You whispered.

You were confused about your feelings for him.

Did you still like him? Part of you did. Another part of you resented him for lying to you.

The doorbell ring.

You went to get it. It could be one of your relatives who lived nearby.

You peeked through the little hole in your door.

A package.

You quickly opened the door and carried the package in. 

 It had no name and no address on it.

You wondered what could be inside.

"Could it be a bomb?"

You shook the package to hear what was inside.

It felt kinda light so it couldn't be a bomb.

You opened it out of curiosity.

Inside laid a (favorite color) suit with a piece of paper.

Hey _________.

I know you're super mad at me and maybe all of us. Including Baymax. You're welcomed to join the team. To be honest, I made this suit before I made any of the rest. I know you always wanted to be able to control things while teleporting. Plus, your helmet can allow you to read minds. I'm sorry that I made everybody lie to you. I didn't want you to get hurt. I know you are angry and I have said the same thing for a gazillion times but I had a big crush on you and still I do now. I could never bear the thought of losing you even as my best friend. You might never forgive me but could we still stay as friends?

                                                                                  From your best friend, Hiro Hamada

You felt a tear form in your eye.

For years you both have been crushing on each other. And you were both clueless about it.

You ran to the Lucky's Cat Cafe, forgetting to bring your phone along.

"Oh hi sweetie! It's been a while sinc-" Cass started.

"Where's Hiro?" You interrupted

"He's still not back yet." She replied confused.

"Okay thanks!" You ran out of the cafe, avoiding any questions.

You felt your denim shorts pockets for your phone. But it wasn't there.

"Shoot it." You cursed. 

You ran to SFIT and searched for him. But he wasn't there.

"Come on, think. Where would he be?" You thought hard.

Could he be there?

You ran to Tadashi's grave. You knew that whenever Hiro had problems and didn't want to share them, he would always be there.

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