Meeting You

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Hiro x Reader

(Y/N) - Your Name

(F/C) - Favorite Color

(E/C) - Eye Color

(H/C) - Hair Color

(C/N) - Crush Name


"Honey! The moving truck is here!" my mom shouted. I'm moving to San Fransokyo. I'm leaving everything behind, my friends, my crush and my past life. I haven't seen my new house yet. My parents assured me that I will love my new room. Is my room going to be (favourite color)? Will there be a garden around the house? Questions fill my mind.

I quickly run down the stairs with my bags and get in the car.

A few hours later.......

I've finally reached San Fransokyo, everything is so high-tech here. It's pretty cool. After a few twist and turns we finally arrived at new house. The area around my house isn't as high-tech but it's really pretty with a sakura park. The new house is so much bigger than my old house although there isn't a garden, I bet the big space in the house will make up for it. "So what do you think (Y/N)?" my mom asked. "It's really pretty and big!" I exclaimed. "We're glad you like it. But I'm sure you'll really like your new room." my dad smiled. "The room is (F/C)!" my mom added. "Awesome!" I replied.

After moving all the furniture, bags etc. I started to feel really hungry."Mom, I'm feeling hungry." I said as my stomach growled. "Haha, it's about time we had a break!" my mom smiled. "Can we go to that cafe next door?" I asked. "Sure, let's just go get your dad and we'll go!" my mom replied.


I am so bored. The gang are all doing their own things and Baymax is currently cuddling Aunt Cass's cat (I don't know it's name ;A;) I guess I'll just go downstairs and help Aunt Cass.

"Baymax, I'm just going down to help Aunt Cass," I informed Baymax. "Okay! Have fun!" Baymax replied.

I came down just in time to see a girl and her parents walk in the door. And wow, she is so pretty. She has long (H/C) hair and big (E/C) eyes. I slowly walked down the stairs. The girl propped herself up on a stool as her parents started talking to Aunt Cass. "Ah, you're here Hiro." Aunt Cass smiled. "This is Hiro, my nephew." Aunt Cass introduce. "Um, hi." I smiled. The girl's parents smiled at me. "Hi Hiro, this is my daughter (Y/N)." The girl's mother introduced. Even her name is so pretty... Wait, what am I saying?

"Hi!" She smiled. "Uhh, hi!" I blushed. "Hiro, why don't you take (Y/N) for a tour around our area?" Aunt Cass suggested. "Oh that's a great idea Cass!" (Y/N)'s mother exclaimed and her father nodded in agreement. "Sure." I replied. "Before we go, I need to go get something, why don't you come upstairs?" I invited. "Okay, thanks!" (Y/N) replied.

"This is Baymax." I introduced once I saw Baymax in my room still with Aunt Cass's cat. "Hi! I am Baymax. Your Personal Health Care Companion." Baymax waved. "Hi Baymax!" (Y/N) waved back. "We're going to bring (Y/N) for a tour, you wanna come along?" I asked Baymax. "Okay Hiro." Baymax replied. Baymax loves going to the outdoors.

"Wow, Baymax is so cool! Did you build him?" (Y/N) asked. "No, my brother Tadashi did." I replied feeling a little bit sad, again. "Where is he now?" (Y/N) asked. "He died in a fire." I replied. "I'm so sorry to hear that." She said and placed her hand on my back. Okay, I'm blushing again. Luckily Baymax is still playing with the cat. Who knows what embarrassing things Baymax will spill out to (Y/N).

"Come on, we can go now." I said. "Yay!" Baymax and (Y/N) cheered together.


I walked besides Hiro as he gave me a tour around the area. Baymax is trailing behind, making sure nothing happens to us. Hiro is so cute. He has black messy and poofy hair and big brown eyes. Wait.... just what am I thinking. (C/N) is so much cuter, well I think he is. Nah, Hiro's cuter. Ugh, just stop thinking about this.

"Hey (Y/N)? You okay?" Hiro asked. "What? Yes I'm okay." I quickly replied. Gawd, I am caught. "I'll do a quick scan." Baymax informed walking towards. "No! I'm okay! Really, I'm okay." I said. "Scan complete." Baymax said. "You seem to be thinking of somebody you really like." Baymax said. "What?! No!" I exclaimed blushing. "Who's the person?" Hiro asked smirking. "Not you." I giggled. "Aww come on!" Hiro pretended to cry. Well, I think he is pretending.

After Hiro gave me the tour, we decided to go to the park.

"I'll just go over there." Baymax said and walked to the swings. He is so cute, he probably can't even fit the swings. Me and Hiro sat below a tree. There weren't really anybody around the park.

"Thanks for the tour Hiro." I thanked. He blushed. "No big deal." He replied. "So tell me about you." I smiled. "Well um, I'm 14, I go to SFIT, I have a few friends, I'll introduce you to them tomorrow. My parents died when I was 4 and I really like robotics. Yeah, I guess that's pretty much it." Hiro said. "I'm sorry to hear about your parents." I said and put my hand on his shoulder. Again. "I got over it, so now tell me about you." Hiro smiled.

"Okay, well, I just moved from (old area) to here. I am 14 too. I love cupcakes and donuts. And your Aunt Cass's pastries are amazing." I said. "You will really like my friends." Hiro said. "I think I will." I replied.

"You're really pretty," Hiro said. Aww, wait did he really say that?! "What did you say?" I asked again. "Oops did I just say that, um, nevermind." Hiro blushed and pulled his hoodie down to cover his eyes. "You said that I am very pretty." I said and pulled his hoodie up, to see him covering his face. "Well, I think you're really cute." I told him blushing a lot. "Really?" He asked peeking out of his hands. "Yes." I said turning away.

"Ireallylikeyou." Hiro said really quickly. "I really like you too." I replied burying my face in my hands. "So you don't mind if I do this?" Hiro asked. I closed my eyes to feel his soft lips on my cheek. I slowly open my eyes. Hiro sat there blushing a lot. I quickly give him a kiss on the cheek. We both just sat there blushing for a few minutes.



"You know when Baymax said that I was thinking of somebody..."


"I was thinking of you." I confessed. Hiro pulled me closer until there was no space between both our bodies.

I leaned my head on his shoulder. Then Baymax came up to us. "You two are experiencing something called love. Congratulations Hiro and (Y/N)." Baymax congratulated. "Thanks Baymax." We both said together and smiled.

I'm so glad we moved.


Author's Note!!!

I'll be transferring the BH6 oneshots from my other book to here c:

~xoxo lifegivesyoucupcakes


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