Coming Home

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The day you had been waiting for years was finally here.

Today was the day.

Hiro Hamada, your long-distance boyfriend was finally coming home.

After graduating from university, both of you entered worked at one of the top technology companies in the world but fate decided that Hiro, had to be transferred to Australia which was miles and miles away.

Now he was coming home; for good.

"I can hardly contain my excitement!" Aunt Cass declared, spinning the brown broomstick in her hand. You offered to give her a hand and help her get the house ready for her nephew's arrival. 

Even Mochi seemed to be in bright spirits today. Hiro and he never got along very well (it's partly Hiro's fault for mistreating his aunt's pet) but deep down under all those cat treats and fluff, you knew Mochi adored Hiro very much. 

"Hiro will be landing in an hour. and a half" Baymax picked up a box of Hiro's old toys to put away. 

"Do you want to go home first and get ready  _____?" Aunt Cass suggested, "We're nearly done. I can wrap it up from here." 

"Alright, I'll pick you up in an hour." 

You've never been one to wear makeup or dress up daily but you wanted to look your absolute best, today. Sure, you've seen each other on FaceTime just yesterday night but meeting him in real life was completely different! 

"Baby pink or navy blue?" You looked at the two midi pleated skirts and then at your dog for advice. 

"Yeah, I think navy blue too." You patted her head and pulled the skirt and a sleeveless white top on. 

"Do you think he's changed, Saki?" Talking to your dog was absolutely normal for you, considering you lived alone in your brand new condominium. You curled your (color) hair into big loose waves and put some makeup on, just to make you look not so dead from yesterday's work schedule. 

He went to Australia, two years ago, on contract. He did change up his hairstyle a few times, just to "find himself." You wondered what else has changed - did his feelings change? did it ever waver?

"I'll see you later, little one." You gave your white pup a kiss after putting on your sandals and sunglasses on top of your head.  


"Oh my God, I'm so nervous." You muttered to Cass as you waited for him to come out of those two huge doors. 

"Relax, if it's about how you look, you look very pretty and if it's about him, then you have nothing to worry about. I know my nephew." She squeezed your hand with a reassuring smile. 

The doors opened and a swarm of people came out. 

"Can you see him?" Cass asked frantically, she didn't work very well in tight places. 

A familiar tall figure stood out among the rest. 

Black hair. 

Grey sweatpants. 

Navy blue shirt with a black sweater tied across his waist.

"Is that him?" You patted Aunt Cass' hand repeatedly. Your heart started racing at the thought of even hugging him. 

"I think so!" She exclaimed. His head turned and met your eyes. 

It was him. 

You don't know what instigated you to run, but you did. 

He dropped his bags on the ground and opened his arms wide to envelope you in. 

"Oh God, ________, I missed you so much." The familiar feeling of his hugs and warmth made your eyes water. You missed him so much. 

You knew people were watching but you didn't care and stood on your tippy toes to kiss him. 

"Hiro!" Aunt Cass finally came and they embraced in a hug too. 

"It's so good to see you again, Aunt Cass!" 


"Let's go out for early dinner." Hiro said in the car. 

"You two go ahead, I have my cooking club later." Aunt Cass perched her arms on the front carseat. 

"Are you sure? Aren't you jetlagged?" You looked into the rearview mirror before making a left turn. 

"I'm very hungry." He shrugged, jetlag never bothered him anyway. (i'm so lame cringe) 

"I'll drop you off at Aunt Lanie's place." You said to Cass and made another turn. 

"Hey! We match!" You giggled after stepping out of the car. He looked at your outfit and chuckled, "You look very pretty, babe." 

"Thanks, what do you want to eat?" There were so many choices on this street - Italian, Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, Western and so much more.  You used to come here with him all the time. 

You perched your head on your hands and admired him as he read through the menu. He got a little more tan, a little skinnier and looked very, very tired. 

"Have you even slept at all?" You asked concernedly. He did look very tired in your usual video calls but it wasn't as obvious as it was in real life. 

"Yup!" He grinned a little too enthusiastically, "Okay, no." 

"Why? Is it because of the calls?" You felt a little guilty, the time difference was very drastic. You had to wake up very early in the morning and him, staying up till very late. 

"Partly and the environment difference took a toll on me. Work isn't very easy either." He admitted. 

"Now you have Aunt Cass to monitor you," You teased, "And you don't have to stay up just to FaceTime anymore." 

"And I get to see this face everyday." He lightly pinched your cheeks.

"And I get to annoy you every single day." You stuck your tongue out. 

And in that second, it felt like you were both in highschool again with big aspiring dreams. 


He decided to crash at your house because you were too tired to drive back to his and then to yours.

The moment was surreal, he was finally back and will be staying in SF for hopefully a good few years. Your eyes started closing and about to drift off to slumber until he said, "I'm so glad to be home." 

"This is my home, not yours." You joked sleepily, amazed that you still had energy to make jokes.

"This is home because you're my home." He mumbled. 

"I'll just marry you now." You closed your eyes again, this time with a big smile on your face. 

"You can do it in your dreams." 


surprise, i felt like going through my chapters and i found this unfinished one :) 

has my writing style changed and improved? i'd really appreciate you telling me! i've been wondering about it for some time heh 

i apologize if there's any mistakes or such  too lazy to go through 

hope you enjoyed it as much as i did writing it :) 

love, lavendeurs x 

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