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"Funfair!" You cheered along with your boyfriend Hiro Hamada.

"I really want to join you, but -" Cass said and turned to look at her happy customers.

"Next time Aunt Cass!" Hiro reassured. "The funfair ends only next month." You added. "Next time I'll close the cafe and we could all go together with your friends." Cass suggested. "Sweet!" Hiro smiled. 

"You sure we're not bringing Baymax there?" You asked as the big walking marshmallow waddled around.

"Nah. He'll be much safer here." Hiro said.

"Baymax! We're going to funfair! You wanna come along?" You called, ignoring what Hiro said.

"No thanks _____. I want to stay here. Have a good time. Remember to not eat too much cotton candy and -" Baymax said. "We get it Baymax. Go play with Mochi." Hiro cut off and dragged you out of the cafe. 

"Remember to not eat too much cotton candy and remember to buckle up at all times if needed." You copied Baymax. "______!" Hiro laughed and you two walked hand in hand to the funfair. 

"Wow this place is sick." Hiro said in amazement. Although it was out in the open, there was a lot of rides and a lot of food, and all kinds of gummy bears.

"Gummy bears!" You both exclaimed as soon as you both saw it. "What do you want to do first?" He asked. "What do you want to do first?" You asked back.

"Come on princess. You decide." Hiro whined. "Fine, let's go buy the gummy bears." You giggled. "You read my mind." Hiro smiled.

"If you knew what you wanted to do, why didn't you say so?" You teased. "Because you're the princess." He replied. 

"Thanks handsome." You gave him a quick kiss. You bought all kinds of gummy bears. "My treat this time." You smiled and tore open a bag of gummy bears. "Let's go on that rollercoaster." Hiro pointed as you both walked, chewing on the gummy bears.

"R-rollercoaster?" You gulped. Your face turned pale as you remembered the last time you sat on a rollercoaster.

"It's like flying on Baymax." Hiro assured as you both got in line.

"It's different! If you fall off, Baymax will save you." You retorted.

"But I'm here." He smiled and led you up the stairs.

"A-are you sure?" You asked nervously as the rollercoaster started to move slowly.

"I'm sure." He gripped your hand tightly.

The rollercoaster started taking up its speed.

"I'm really scared." You stuttered.

"Don't worry. Just think of flying Baymax." He reassured and the rollercoaster went down.

You shut your eyes, started screaming and gripped onto his shirt tightly.

"Woohooo!" He yelled.

You slowly opened one eye then the other.

"It'll be okay." You breathed in and out.

After what felt like eternity, the rollercoaster came to a stop.

Hiro held your trembling hand and led you down to a bench. 

"You okay?" He asked worriedly and passed you a bottle of water.

You nodded, trying to catch your breath.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Don't be. It felt like flying on Baymax." You gave a small smile and lifted your still trembling hands to give him a hug.

"I'm hungry." He said, half whining.

"I'm hungry too, let's get something to eat." You giggled and you both walked to an area where all the food stands were set up.

"I'll get a burger." He deicided. "What do you want love?"

"Anything would be fine." You smiled and sat down while he went to order.

"Your lunch is served." He grinned as he set down a tray of (favorite fast food).

"Thanks handsome." You smiled. You pulled him closer to you and took a picture together with your phone. 

"You're beginning to be like Honey Lemon." He joked.

"But you still love me." You teased.


You walked down the streets, one hand in his hand and your other hand holding a cotton candy stick.

"This is so good!" You exclaimed.

"Remember not to eat much cotton candy as it contains a lot of sugar." Hiro mimicked Baymax.

"Please don't give a lecture on sugar." You laughed.

"I am not a Baymax." He said in a robotic voice and you both started laughing even harder.

"Can we please go on that ferris wheel?" You pouted at the sight of the big ferris wheel.

"If it makes you happy then let's go." He smiled.

"The view's so lovely from up here." You exclaimed.

"Flying on Baymax gives you a much better view." Hiro pointed out.

"Of course. But the sky is so pretty." You gushed. 

The sky was a lovely purple-ish and pink color with a tint of orange. 

There wasn't anyone with you two so you both had the whole place to yourselves. 

"There's a firework show later." He placed his head on your hair. 

"Can we see it?" You rested your head on his chest.

"Anything you want." He replied. 

"Maybe I'll go on a rollercoaster next time." You mumbled. 

"Told you it felt like flying on Baymax." He poked your side. 

"I'll go on it if you're with me." You jerked to the side a little bit. 

"We'll go on it next time together." He promised. 

"Promise?" You pouted as the ride was coming to an end. 

"Promise. Now let's go catch those fireworks." 



This is crappy. 

3 more days and I'll be going on vacation // yayyy// but I can't edit or write. Maybe I can but you know......

If I do a writing/editing competition, will you join? 

I love you to the galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes <3


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