Wherever You Are

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Listen to the music in the media : Wherever You Are by 5 Seconds of Summer. It sets the mood (:

"I'm moving." You said as tears trickled down your face. Your boyfriend was silent, and it soon filled the air. 

"To where?" He finally whispered after minutes that felt like hours. 

"Australia." You replied.


"In 4 months." He wrapped his arms around you as tightly as he could and you sobbed in his embrace. 

"I will miss you." You mumbled. "Shh. We still have 4 months don't we?" He gently placed a finger on my lips. 

A sudden thought hit you, was he going to break up with you? If he really does, it's probably for the better. Just enjoy it while it lasts. 

"Thank goodness it's going to be summer in a month." He wiped your tears away and you smiled. "We can spend every day together." 

"Alright." He leaned in and kissed you. 

But both of you knew, you had to say goodbye. 

The day finally came. The day you dreaded the most: the day you were flying off to Australia. 

You were crying all night, tossing and turning. 

"I love you Hiro." You hugged him tightly outside the boarding gate. 

"I love you the most." He kissed you, never failing to send sparks of electricity throughout your body. 

"Will we still be together?" You finally asked, after 4 months since that thought hit you. 

"I don't think I can do it." Tears began rolling down  his eyes. 

"I don't think I can do it too." You lied, but you knew it wasn't going to be the same without him being in your life. 

"Goodbye _____. I'll always love you." He kissed the top of my head and turned around. You covered your hand over your mouth, looking at his retreating figure made your heart break. 

"Goodbye Hiro." You whispered and wiped your tears away. You successfully held the tears back but when they finally closed the plane door, you could barely hold it all inside. 


Life without your best friends was already hard, but breaking things off with Hiro made it even worse. You were torn in two, you couldn't stop thinking of him. 

Every night you would stare at your phone on your bedside table, it was so tempting. A single phone call could make everything better and worse. 

Has he moved on? Back at home, even though everybody was aware of your relationship with him, girls would always flock to him and flirt. But with his reassurance that you'll always be his one and only, everything was okay. 

You have gained a few friends over the months, countless of guys have asked you out, but none of them could have compared to your ex boyfriend back home. 

You promised each other that you'll be together forever. But reality hits and you knew nothing lasts forever, nothing stays the same. But you still loved him with all your heart. 

You closed your eyes and sent a silent message to him, It always will be you, wherever you are .



A new chapter yay! I was out of inspiration and so I looked through my favorite songs and found this. "Wherever You Are by 5 Seconds of Summer" 

They are the loves of my life so no hate please thanks <3 

I hope you all enjoyed the short little chapter and have a great day <3 (Sweet dreams to those who are enjoying the night) 

to TIGERproductions30 I don't have an idea for a part two, like I said. But I would really like to do write this again, but in Hiro's POV :) What do you all think? Yes or no?

love, lavendeurs 

[ unedited ] 

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