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You stared at the paper on your desk. You were in your lab and trying to finish your math homework. 

"Urghh! This thing is so damn stupid." You cursed out loud.

Honey Lemon, Fred, GoGo and Wasabi have gone back home. You weren't sure of Hiro but you're were convinced you were the only one left. 

You heard your lab door opened. 

"Haven't gone home yet?" Hiro asked with a slight grin. 

"This homework is killing me." You moaned. 

"Maybe I can help." He offered and sat down beside you. 

"Yeah. Mr Genius will solve this." You teased. 

"Stop it." He gave you a shove and tried to solve your homework. 

You couldn't help staring at him. The way his eyes concentrated, his eyebrows furrowed together and his lips in a tight line. 

"I think I got it!" He exclaimed after a few minutes. 

"Told you. You're a genius." You poked his sides. 

"I'll take that as a compliment." He passed the sheet of paper to you. 

As he explained the problem to you, you knew your big crush on him was growing. 

"Um hello? Earth to _____!" He waved his hands in front of your face. 

"W-what?" You snapped back to reality. 

"Do you get it?" He asked. 

"Yeah." You hoped your brain had been listening to him.

He stared at you while you tried to work out the problem with the steps given to you by Hiro. 

He always found you very pretty yet adorable. He had this huge crush on you ever since he saw you. 

"I think I'm done." You breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Let me see." He took the sheet from you, 

"Did I do it right?" You asked nervously. 

"Yup. You'll get a good mark on this." He grinned at you. 

"Thank you!" You hugged him tightly and you unconsciously gave him a kiss. 

"U-Um, I'm sorry." You blushed awkwardly as you realized what you have just done. 

"I liked it." He whispered into your ear and kissed you. 

"I love you." He smiled after you both pulled back. 

"I love you too." You replied and he wrapped his arms around you. 

"Thanks for helping me." You snuggled into his chest. 

"Anytime ____." He buried his head into your hair and you two sat like that. 



Sorry for the slow updates! Running out of ideas. Help. 

You guys can request oneshots as well if you didn't know ;) 

Follow me on my Instagrams please? 

editing account: @frosnxwkyo

tumblr account: @dreamingoreos

personal account: @evangelinelxr2002 (if you don't want to follow this then don't c:) 

Comment for followback <3

I love you to the galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


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