Meeting You (Revisited)

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author's note: hi it's me, yes i'm still here. after reading some comments i realized that i completely forgotten to mention that (yes im 4 years late im sorry) the descriptions of  "you" is just what i imagined as a character so please don't take it personally and feel free to read the characteristics as however you would like! :) thank you so much for the overwhelming support 💖 please stay safe, wear a mask and stay strong! we'll get through this together <3

"Honey! The moving truck is here!" Your mother shouted from downstairs.

You were leaving to San Fransokyo and everything behind.

Your best friends.

Your crush.

Your house that was filled with memories.

Your childhood.

Your favorite candy store.


Not wasting any more time, you dragged your depressed self and suitcase down the stairs.


"Wow! This place is cool!" You exclaimed in amazement as your father drove into the city.

The skyscrapers were tall and the edges glistened in the sun. It was different from the suburb you were from.

After a few twists and turns, you arrived at your new 3-storey house. It was much bigger than your old one. You started feeling a little excited for the first time in months.

"What do you think honey?" Your mother stepped out of the car.

"It's pretty and big." You smiled, still unsure of how comfortable you felt. You missed your old home already.

"We're glad you like it _____. I'm sure you'll love your new room." Your father joined you on the left.

Your parents wanted to surprise you, therefore, you didn't decorate the room on your own.

After hours of moving and unpacking, your stomach began to grumble.

"Mom, are you hungry? I am." Your mother wiped her sweat off her forehead with her hand.

"I'm hungry too. I think it's about time we had a break."

"Did someone say a break?" A very distracted father stopped in his tracks.

"Let's head over to the cafe next door. We should meet our neighbors."


I rolled on my bed and groaned.

I was bored to death. (by blink-182 #emotrash)

Everyone was busy doing their own thing,

Honey had an appointment at the salon with GoGo.

Fred was meeting up with his parents.

Wasabi was off to God-knows-where,

and Baymax was cuddling Mochi.

I never liked that cat.

Deciding to be a little more productive, "Baymax, I'm going down to help Aunt Cass."

I came down just in time to see a family walk in the cafe.

Their daughter instantly caught my eye.

Her sleek ivory black was tied up in a high ponytail and her big, deep dark brown eyes had mesmerized.

I was getting very cheesy.

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