Beach Fun Part 1 (Summer 2015 Edition)

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Summer Edition! Because why not? You and Hiro are both about 18


"It's finally summer!" Honey Lemon cheered as you and your team of friends excited SFIT.

"I can't wait! Freddy love summers!" Fred exclaimed.

"Let's go to the beach tomorrow." You suggested.

"That's a good idea!" Your boyfriend, Hiro agreed and laced his fingers with yours.

"Cool idea ____." GoGo smiled.

"Just imagine all the fun we'll have!" Honey said enthusiastically.

"Let's meet at 10:00 AM tomorrow." Wasabi suggested.

"I'll pack a picnic." You said.

"I'll help. I'll bring Baymax too." Hiro added.

"Then I'll bring all the things we need!" Honey chimed.

"Sandcastles!" Fred yelled.

"I'll bring the umbrella and mats." GoGo said.

"It's settled then. See you guys tomorrow!" Hiro smiled and you waved.

You followed him to the Lucky Cat Cafe.

"We're back Aunt Cass!" Hiro shouted, the cafe was full of customers as usual.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not shout when there is customers?!" Cass said.

"Sorry." He replied sheepishly.

"We're going on a picnic by the beach tomorrow! So can we use the kitchen?" You asked hopefully.

"That sounds lovely. Be careful to not mess anything up!" Cass smiled and left to serve another customer.

"What should we make baby?" Hiro kissed your head.

After he hit puberty, he have grown a few inches taller than you and is more muscular than his skinny self. His hair isn't so poofy anymore and he dropped the hoodie and graphic shirts for more mature looking clothes (I made him hot. Please don't kill me.)

"I've got it all planned. We will make sandwiches, pink lemonade, salad and donuts! We can make popsicles too! You got that cooler right?" You checked.

"Yup! Luckily I thought of building it! Now we can ice creams on a hot day."

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