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"Can we don't watch this." You pleaded as Hiro inserted the film into the player.

Since you both were too lazy to go trick-or-treating, he suggested that you should watch a horror movie with him. 

"No _____. We are watching it." He said firmly. 

"Do you want to scare the life out of me?" 

"It's not even scary."

"You're immune to horror. I'm not." 

"I'm here okay, there's nothing to be afraid of." He reassured as the movie begins to start. You whimpered and tugged on the blanket around you. "I'm already scared." 

"You're such a drama queen." He rolled his eyes. You threw a slap on his back. "Sorry!" 

"I really don't want to watch this." You groaned. "It's starting." He shushed. 

The movie played, it wasn't as scary as you thought it would be, until the scene where blood poured out from the ceiling. 

You screamed and hid under your blanket and Hiro started laughing. It continued and the horror kept going on and on until the point where you were shaking under the blanket. Hiro, didn't find it scary at all. 

"______, are you okay?" He asked. 

"No." You whispered, trembling badly. 

"Come here." He paused the movie, pulled the blanket off you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "It's okay if you don't want to watch it." 

"But you like it." You mumbled. 

"But you don't. You're shaking really badly ____." He soothed. 

"Go on watching it. I'll be okay." You wished you were but to be honest, you really wanted to not watch it anymore. He kept quiet and continued hugging you till you calmed down a little. 

"You can hug me whenever you want to okay?" He picked up the blanket, wrapped it around both of you and placed his arms around your waist. 

"Okay." You smiled and he continued the movie. You began to calm down more after hugging him countless of times and started finding the movie actually a little funny. 

"It wasn't that bad right?" Hiro asked after the movie ended. 

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad." You admitted. 

"You can still hug me whenever you want." He mumbled and you hugged him again. 

"Okay. Happy Halloween Hiro." You smiled. 

"Happy Halloween _____." He hugged you back. 



Here's a short update :) 

Happy Halloween everybody! I have no inspiration to write a full trick-or-treating oneshot, I'm sorry. I hope this is good enough! 

love, lavendeurs


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[ unedited ]

Hiro x Reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now