A Movie

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"I can't wait!" You squealed as you walked to the food counter witness your best friend Hiro. "I can." He mumbled. You both we're going to watch (favorite movie). "I don't understand, why do you want to watch this again?" Hiro asked confused as you payed for the popcorn and drinks. "Because it's the best movie ever." You exclaimed. "You'll love it." "We'll see." He teased. It's your favorite movie. You watched it once with Honey Lemon but not Hiro, so you decided to drag him along to watch it again.

You both found your seats and settled in. There was a lot of people.  I guess I'm not the only one who finds this movie interesting. You thought. The lights dimmed down. "It's starting!" You squealed with a few other people. "I still don't get why-" Hiro muttered. "Shhh, it's starting." You hushed.  You watched this movie once with Honey Lemon when it first premiered, and since you wanted to watch it again, and Hiro haven't watched it yet. You decided to drag him along with you.

You didn't notice that Hiro wasn't paying attention to the big screen, he was interested in something else, and that was staring at you. He found it adorable that you would squeal during the cute parts, laugh during the funny moments, sniffle when there was a lilttle bit of sad parts and just stare blankly at the screen during the boring parts.

Then the saddest scene came, everybody was crying, including you, except Hiro. He wasn't paying attention to the movie at all. He placed his hand on top of yours and gave it a squeeze. You turned to look to him. He gently wiped away the tears on your face with his thumb. Smiling, you leaned your hand and placed it on his shoulder. He closed the gap with his. "I love you __." He whispered. "I love you too." You whispered back.

After a few moments, the end was nearing. Hiro murmed something. You couldn't hear what he said clearly, but you were sure he was saying "Best movie ever."



Short one! I'll try to update everyday! If I have the ideas c:

My back now hurst from writing too much ;; oh whale.  I seriously can't get over the fact that this book has 10+ votes! You guys are amazing <3333

Btw, the book cover was made by me, so credits to me cx

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


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