A Family Night Out

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He rushed to his car and quickly drove to the destination.

He opened the restaurant door and sat down by a table.

"Sorry darling, we had a emergency meeting." He apologized

"Daaddyy!" His son and daughter exclaimed.

"It's alright, we just came anyways." You smiled as your husband hugged his two kids.

"Did you bring the movie tickets?" He asked.

"Right here!" You pulled out 4 movie tickets to (movie show).

"Daddy? Can we have pizza please?" Your 7 year old son asked.

"I want a pizza!" Your 5 year daughter agreed.

Hiro wanted to take his family to a night outing, and you both decided to go to a Italian restaurant for dinner and a movie. 

"We can have that. What do you want?" He turned to you. 

"Pizza. You?" You smiled.

"Pizza." He replied and you both laughed.

After he ordered for the family, your son and daughther played among themselves, while you and Hiro talked together.

"How was work?" You asked.

"Tiring. But thinking of you and the kids help me get through the day." He sighed.

"Maybe one day, you can take a week off and we can travel somewhere." You suggested, smoothing his messy gelled up hair.

"Yeah, one day." He kissed your head and you both watched your little angels play together with utmost joy.

Within 15 minutes, the big pizza arrived.

He helped (daugther name) while you helped (son name).

"I am so full!" (son name) exclaimed after Hiro paid the bill and sat in Hiro's car. You decided to take a taxi earlier, to avoid the need of driving 2 cars.

"Me too!" His sister agreed.

"We're glad you liked it." You smiled.

"What movie are we watching?" (son name) asked.

"It's a suprise." Hiro grinned.

"Mommy?" (son name) questioned.

"A suprise honey." You giggled.

"No fair." He pouted.

"I love suprises!" Your daughther exclaimed and (son name) shot her a you're not helping look.

"Daddy! (son name) is being mean!" She whined.

"You'll love it son." He smiled.


"That was just so cool!" (son name) shouted.

"Can we watch it again?" (daugther name) asked.

You both just smiled and held each others' hand in one hand and you held your daugther's hand in the other while Hiro did the same with (son name) but with his right.

"Can we have ice cream please?" (daugther name) chirped as Hiro drove pass the ice cream parlour.

"Why not." Hiro smiled and your family ordered their favorite ice creams. "There are those who ponder at an ice cream and ask why, I buy an ice cream and ask why not?"

"You are such a nerd." You nudged.

"Like you are not."


Your angels ran down the park with ice cream cones/cups in their hands.

You both walked hand in hand. The park lights lighted up the beautiful park well.

"Did you enjoy it?" He smiled.

"Yeah. Worth every single penny." You replied and he finished his ice cream.

"Don't go too far!" You called out to them.

"We won't Mommy!" (son name) shouted.

"I'm done." You exclaimed as you finished the last bit of your ice cream cone.

"Wait, you got a little bit." He stopped you.

"Do I? Wher-" You asked before he abruptly kissed you.

"Ew! No PDA!" Your son exclaimed.

"Daddy is kissing Mommy!" Your daugther laughed

"There." He smiled when he pulled back.

"Thank you." You blushed.

"PDAAAA!" Your son shouted.

"PDAAAA!" His sister mimicked.

"Come here you two!" Hiro smirked.

"Run!" They both ran as Hiro chased after them.

"Mommy! Play with us!" Your son urged.

"I'm coming!" You laughed and chased them.



Hello Pretty Little Cupcakes ~

Sorry......I was feeling a little depressed here and there but I am alright now... I suppose? lmao don't mind me.

I created a kik groupchat for our Pretty Little Cupcakes family! The group name is "Pretty Little Cupcakes"

Please comment your kik username below cx

i hate timezones

Please read my new book

Title: Afternoons in Autumn

I love you all to the galaxies and back <3

xoxo ~ lifegivesyoucupcakes


Soical Media Link/Usernames

Instagram: @fantaisiec (editing) | @frosnxwkyo (old editing) | @evangelinelxr (personal)

Twitter: @evangelinel2002 (personal)

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[ unedited ]

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