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Written in Author's POV c:


"Hiro, I'm bored." You groaned. It was a hot summer day in San Fransokyo and you and your friend Hiro are lying next to Baymax. "Me too." Hiro said. "Hey! There's a new pool that just opened! You guys can go there instead of staying in here." Aunt Cass suggested as she closed the cafe. "You're closing?" You asked. It was still bright and sunny outside. "I don't think I can work in this heat!" Aunt Cass exclaimed. "Cool! Let's go swimming!" Hiro cheered. "I'll just run over to my house to get my stuff." You said and ran to your house which was just next door.

"Mom! I'm going swimming with Hiro and Aunt Cass!" You exclaimed as you opened your frontdoor. "Oh! The new pool! You guys wouldn't mind if I come along too right?" Your mother smiled. "Of course not!" You replied and walked up the stairs. "I'll go pack my stuff." She said and followed you up the stairs.

Within a few minutes, both your mom and you were sitting in your mom's car with Hiro beside you and Aunt Cass in the front seat. "I can't wait!" You exclaimed. "Me too!" Hiro agreed. "We are all dears." Your mom giggled.

"We're here!" Aunt Cass sang after what felt like eternity. "Swimming!" You and Hiro cheered and helped unload the stuff. Hiro decided to bring Baymax along, in case something happens. He carried the red luggage while you carried the bags.

The pool was surrounded with fluffy couches for people to sunbathe and there was a bar just beside the pool. "Sick." Hiro mumbled. "Totally sick." You agreed. "It's just an expression." You both copied Baymax and laughed. Your mom and Aunt Cass chose a nice comfortable sofa and placed the bags beside it. "I'm going to change." You informed, grabbed your (favorite color) swim/bathing suit and went to the girls restroom. When you came out of the restroom, Hiro did too. "You look pretty in (favorite color)." Hiro murmed. "What?" You asked. "Oops, uh, um n-nothing!" Hiro said nervously. You shrugged.

You both jumped inside the pool. "Be careful sweeties!" Your mom and Aunt Cass called. "We will!" You replied and Hiro gave the thumbs up sign. There wasn't a lot of people. "Probably headed to the beach." You mumbled. "It's nice when there's not much people around." Hiro commented. "Yeah, we'll get the whole pool to ourselves." You teased.

You both swam and swam and swam. "Let's play!" You suggested. "Okay." Hiro replied and splashed the water on your face. "Come back here!" You said jokingly and splashed him back. He stuck his tongue out and swam away. "Hey! Wait for me!" You exclaimed and swam after him.

After half an hour, you both were sitting besides the pool, drinking sodas. "Hey I want to show you something." Hiro abruptly said placing his drink on the floor. "Coming." You replied confused and followed after him. He went inside the water and you just followed. "Now go underwater." Hiro ordered. You just did what he said. He went in.

He pointed to his chest. "I?" You tried to follow. He made a heart sign. "Heart?" You asked. He pointed to you. "You?" You asked confuse. He pulled himself up. "I love you." Hiro smiled. "I love you too." You replied and gave him a kiss. "Aunt Cass and your mom are sleeping." He laughed. "We'll tell them later." You said and gave him a quick kiss. "But now, let's play."

"Coming." Hiro smiled and swam after you.



This is so crappy. My gawd. I still can't believe this story has 30+ votes

lots and lots of free hugs <33333

i'm going to be so dead if I don't go to bed like right now. 

// gives free hugs //

xoxo lifegivesyoucupcakes ~


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