Father's Day (Father's Day Edition)

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A/N: It's a little rushed so I apologize in advance. You and Hiro is around 27-31 


"Have you got the glitter?" You heard your daughter asked as you passed her bedroom. 

"Ew no glitter! That's so girly!" Your son protested. 

"Nothing can ever go wrong with glitter!" 

"Hey kids, what are you doing?" You walked in the room. 

They gasped and (son name) hid something behind his back.

You looked at them in confusion. 

"Oh it's just you mom." (daughter name) breathed in relief as (son name) put the card back on the table. 

"Father's Day card?" You asked. 

"Yeah, but (daughter name) wants to put glitter and ew." (son name) stuck his tongue out in disgust. 

"You and your dinosaurs are ew!" (daughter name) protested. 

"Let me see the card." You picked the empty card up from the table. 

"We haven't decided what to put in yet." (son name) piped up. 

"Well, what does your father like most?" You smiled. 

"Robots!" They exclaimed together. "Thanks mom! You can go out now." 

(son name) pushed you out of the room after saying, "Don't tell dad anything!" 

You laughed, nodding your head and went to the kitchen.

"_____ love!" Hiro walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around your waist.

You giggled and kissed him quickly before getting the pancake batter out of the cupboard to make breakfast. 

You stopped and looked at him, sitting on a chair with annoyance. 

"Aren't you going to help me?"

"Nah, I like seeing you do things." 

"Creep." You muttered. "Go set the table." 

"(robot name)! Go set the table!" He yelled and a purple bot walked in the kitchen. 

"Okay Hiro." The bot nodded and took the silverware out to the table.

"Perks of being a genius." Hiro smirked. 

"Oh shut up and do something." You tried not to smile. 

"I'll watch you. That's doing something." 


"Happy Father's Day!" Your kids presented the card during breakfast. 

"Wow, this looks great!" Hiro praised and stared at card proudly. 

"We had a little help." (daughter name) gave you a wink. 

You winked back. 

"I'm so proud of you two." He smiled and gave them each a hug.

Your kids went back to their seats and ate their breakfast happily.

"Shall we go on a picnic later? For lunch?" You suggested. 

"Sounds great, I need to be at the SFIT convention." Hiro smiled. 

"How does that sound angels?" He asked the kids. 

"Yay!" They agreed. 

"Go upstairs and get ready." 

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